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State of Punjab v Nirmal Singh
Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1970 - Rule 21
Review Appeal - rejection - violation of the principles of natural justice - Leave granted - Date of Judgment: 1/08/2007Mehiboobsab Abbasabi Nadaf v State of Karnataka
Indian Penal Code 1860 - 302 read with section 34 -
Conviction of the appellant along with parents by the Trial court - High Court acquittal parents - law while upholding the conviction of the appellant- Date of Judgment: 1/08/2007Mohammad Shafa-at-Khan and others v The National Capital Territory of Delhi and others
Company matter - Fixed deposit schemes -
Money not returned at the time of maturity - FDR lodged properly of the respondent - to he disposed of - to pay the creditors - concerned court directed to work out details and modalities. - Leave granted. - Date of Judgment: 2/08/2007Shaik Mastan Vali v State of Andhra Pradesh
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302
Conviction under - sentence of life imprisonment - challenge in this appeal is to the judgment of a DB of Madras High Court - Leave granted. - Date of Judgment: 3/08/2007Trutuf Safety Glass Industries v Commissioner of Sales Tax, U.P.
U.P. Sales Tax Act 1948
Revision under - allowed by single Judge of the Allahabad High Court - the High Court was not justified in interfering with the order of the Tribunal order of the High Court set aside and that of the tribunal restored - Leave granted.- Date of Judgment: 6/08/2007Himadri Chemicals Industries Ltd. v/s Coal Tar Refining Company
Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 - section 9
Application under - this appeal is directed against the judgment and order dated 21st June, 2007 passed by a Division Bench of the Calcutta High Court whereby an appeal preferred against an order dated 5th June, 2007 of a learned Single Judge of the same High Court was dismissed and the order of the learned Single Judge was affirmed.- Leave granted.- Date of Judgment: 7/08/2007Sonia v Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. and others
Service Matter schedule case candidate
The appellant who is a Scheduled Caste by birth has been working as Assistant [T] in the Oriental Insurance Company on and from 2nd January, 1997. Applications were invited from eligible and desirous employees for appointment to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer in terms of the promotional policy of the respondents - Leave granted.- Date of Judgment: 7/08/2007State of U.P. and Others v P.N.C. Construction Co. Ltd. and Others
U.P. Trade Tax Act, 1948 - section 4-B
Assessee applied for grant of recognition certificate under Section 4-B of the U.P. Trade Tax Act, 1948 for purchase of raw-materials for manufacture of Hot Mix. The Trade Tax Officer rejected the request of the assessee. Aggrieved by the said decision, an appeal was preferred before Dy. Commissioner (Appeals) which was also dismissed - Leave granted in Special leave petitions.- Date of Judgment: 8/08/2007State of U.P v Govind Das @ Gudda and another
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 -
Conviction under - appeal impugned Judgment of the High Court set aside and matter refilled to the High Court to consider it afresh.- Leave granted- Date of Judgment: 10/08/2007Asian Thermal Insulation (I) P. Ltd v Bridge & Roof Co. (I) Ltd
Arbitration clause - Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1966 - Section 11(6)
Nature of the power exercised by Chief Justice of the High Court & Chief Justice of India under the Arbitration Act - Power is a judicial power & not administrative - Chief Justice to nominate presiding officer of Arbitration. - Leave granted- Date of Judgment: 13/08/2007State of Gujarat v Narendra K. Amin
Writ Petition - Habeas Corpus - SLP
Against order of granting bail to the accused - respondent's position to influence, induce or coerce must be taken into consideration seriously before granting anticipatory bail - Appeal allowed - Order granting anticipatory bail set aside - Directed the trial court to deal with regular bail appeal under section 439 Cr.P.C. 1973. - Leave granted- Date of Judgment: 13/08/2007District Red Cross Society v Babita Arora and others
Industrial Dispute Act - S.25F to S.25H
Petitioner claimed violation of procedure laid down - petitioner given service in another department on closing of Red Cross Maternity Hospital in which she was in service - Legislature amended Industrial Dispute Act in 1982 - added the word closure -- meaning of - section 2 (cc) - position in law well settled - Leave granted- Date of Judgment: 14/08/2007Rozan Mian v Tahera Begum and other
Specific Performance of agreement for sale
The Calcutta Tikha Tenancy (Acquisition & Regulation) Act, 1981 - Section 5, Section 6(3), Section 7(2), Section 4 - whether specific performance of the agreement for sale becomes impossible by promulgation of the Calcutta Tikha Tenancy Act, 1981 - Section 56, Indian Contract Act, 1872- Doctrine of Frustration of contract.- Date of Judgment: 14/08/2007State of Maharashtra & Others v Vashishtha Rambhau Andhale
Granting of - to the respondent Inspector of Police - Challenged by State of Maharashtra - respondent submitted that the respondent was not holding such a responsible post as to be able to assist Telgi and his associates in the manner suggested by the prosecution and that the High Court has not erred in granting bail to him - not necessary, at this stage, to interfere with that order and set aside the bail granted to the respondent.- Leave granted- Date of Judgment: 17/08/2007Charu Kishor Mehta v Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta M. Trust & Others
Hospital administrator
Appointment - While granting leave on 26.3.2007, Supreme Court made an interim order appointing Dr. Narendra Trivedi, Vice-President of the Lilavati Hospital and Dr. K. Ramamurthy, Senior Consultant in that hospital, as Joint Administrators to be in charge of the day to day running of the Hospital and the Research Institute - Dr. K. Ramamurthy expressed inability - modification of the order requested- Date of Judgment: 20/08/2007Santosh Ajit Sachdeva & others v Anoopi Shahani
Bombay Rents, Hotel and Lodging Houses Rates Control Act, 1947 - order of the appellate court - upheld by the learned Single Judge - appeal against - Date of Judgment: 21/08/2007You one Maharia - JV Thr. You One Eng. & Construction Co. Ltd & Anr v National Highways Authority of India
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 - section 11(6) and 11(12)
Petition under - for appointment of Third/Presiding Arbitrator in accordance with the Agreement/Contract Package No. NS-23/AP dated May 31, 2001 entered into between the petitioners and the respondent.- Date of Judgment: 21/08/2007Union of India & Another v S.S. Ahluwalia
Letters Patent Appeal
Filed by the Appellants dismissed by DB of Delhi High Court - appeal by special leave preferred against the judgment of DB - The disciplinary proceedings had finally concluded against the respondent with imposition of small punishment. In these circumstances there was absolutely no ground for directing reinstatement of the respondent in service with continuity in service and all consequential benefits.- Date of Judgment: 24/08/2007State of Maharashtra V Dattatraya Digamber Birajdar
Award of the Labour Court
Challenged - the Labour Court has come to a conclusion that respondent had worked for more than 240 days - ample material and evidence were placed before the Labour Court to justify the stand that with effect from 3.4.1986 respondent was not in the employment of the appellant.- Date of Judgment: 27/08/2007Mahesh Gupta & Others v Yashwant Kumar Ahirwar & Others
Recruitment of handicapped persons to some posts
Interpretation of an advertisement in the light of a circular of the State of Madhya Pradesh as regards recruitment — when the decision was taken, the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (for short "the 1995 Act") had come into force.- Leave granted - Date of Judgment: 30/08/2007Check here for Latest Judgment:
Supreme Court and
High Courts
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Matrimonial laws in India:
Procedure followed in Matrimonial PetitionsSection 21 of Hindu Marriage Act provides that all proceedings under this Act shall be regulated as far as may be, by Code of Civil Procedure.
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
A husband has the right to require his wife to live with him wherever he may choose to reside. On the other hand, it is corresponding duty of the wife to live with her husband
What should an Aggrieved Person do in case of Domestic Violence
If you, being the aggrieved person, have reason to believe that an act of domestic violence has been committed or is being committed or is likely to be committed, you may give information about it to the concerned Protection Officer.
Maintenance and Residence of Female Child
Under the Hindu Marriage Act, there is provision for permanent alimony or allowance. Under section 4 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, in case of annulment of a child marriage
Hindu Marriage Act
Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, came into force on 18th of May, 1955. It has amended and codified the law relating to marriage solemnized between two Hindus.
How Can A Hindu Marry from other Religion
Marriage between two persons, who are not Hindus, it would be a case of special marriage. In this regard, reference may be made to provisions of Special Marriage Act (43 of 1954)
Judicial Separation
Section 10 of Hindu Marriage Act provides for judicial separation. It provides that either party to a marriage can file a petition before the Court for such a relief.
Maintenance for wife, children and parents - Section 125 CrPC
When any person neglects or refuses to maintain, his wife, children or parents, than they can claim maintenance by filing an application before the Magistrate under Section 125 CrPC
Maintenance Pendente Lite and Expenses of Proceedings
Under Hindu Marriage Act where in any proceeding under this Act it appears to the Court that either the wife or the husband has no independent income sufficient for her or his support, Court may order for payment of monthly maintenance to the petitioner by the respondent.

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