Disrespect Shown To Constitution By Words Or Acts Constitutes Offence: Kerala HC
Adv. M. Baiju Noel vs Additional Chief Secretary (Home & Vigilance), Secretariat that: India has the ideal Constitution to loot the maximum number of people. The Constitution prepared by the...Hits: 15699 -
Carrying Weapon Now A Status Symbol; No Fundamental Right To Bear Arms: Rajasthan HC
Brijesh Kumar Singh vs Rajasthan that the trend of weapon possession among people is driven by the desire to show it off as a ‘status symbol’ than for self defence purposes.Hits: 12936 -
Right To Health Inherent To Right To Life: Rajasthan HC
Health is Wealth. On a personal note, I very strongly feel that health is paramount in our life which cannot have any substitute and one can truly enjoy life if one is healthyHits: 12362 -
It Is Constitution And Not Supreme Court Which Is Supreme
Even the Supreme Court is not Supreme, the High Court is not High, it is always the Constitution that is supreme. We are all below the Constitution, and our task is to interpret it as we...Hits: 10197 -
No Fundamental Right To Protest Anywhere The Agitator Pleases: Kerala HC
The Federal Bank Ltd vs Federal Bank Officer’s Association that there is no fundamental right to protest at any place the agitator pleases and reasonable restriction can be imposed on the exercise...Hits: 8214 -
Ashok Kumar Vs UT of J&K that regular appointments to government posts cannot be made without following the proper procedure of issuing advertisements inviting applications from eligible...Hits: 15695
Shalini Khanna vs UOI that the Fundamental Right of a citizen of the country to travel abroad cannot be curtailed only because of failure to pay a bank loan more so when the person against whom the...Hits: 14019
Fundamental Right Of Dignified Life Cannot Be Deprived Merely Because Of Conviction: Calcutta HC
Mahuya Chakraborty vs West Bengal that the right under Article 21 to live a life of dignity cannot be deprived merely because a person is convicted.Hits: 10470 -
Vipin Pubby vs Haryana has underscored the crucial role of Constitutional Courts in actively protecting journalists who report truthfully observing the importance of fearless news dissemination for...Hits: 10492
Keeping Constituency Unrepresented For Indefinite Period Wholly Unconstitutional: Bombay HC
Sughosh Joshi vs The Election Commission of India has directed the Election Commission of India (ECI) to hold the bye-election for the Pune Lok Sabha seat immediately.Hits: 10088 -
Right To Protest Is Fundamental Right: Madras HC
Arunkanth vs Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board that the right to protest for a common cause is a fundamental right of each and every citizen of the country.Hits: 10073 -
Latitude Given By Constitution Cannot Be Caged In Form Of Inflexible Guidelines: SC
Joseph vs Kerala that typecasting convicts through inflexible guidelines based on crimes committed several years ago undermines their reformative potential, and can crush the life force of such...Hits: 9727 -
Article 21 Does Not Cease To Apply When People Of Same Gender Decide To Live Together: P&H HC
Pooja vs Punjab that every person in the territory of India has an inherent and indefeasible fundamental right to life flowing from Article 21 of India's Constitution and the State is duty-bound to...Hits: 7545 -
UP Deserves Maximum High Court Benches And Not Minimum And West UP At Least One
High Court Bench in last 77 years in any nook and corner of Uttar Pradesh at any city other than Lucknow known famously as Nawab CityHits: 7422 -
Laxman Rekha Shouldn’t Be Crossed In Name Of Freedom Of Expression: HP HC
Dr Nadeem Akhtar v/s Himachal Pradesh that while residing in the society, every person must respect the religious beliefs of other members of the community and that in the name of freedom of...Hits: 10007 -
Making A Complete Brazen Mockery Of Rule Of Law
District Magistrate of Gopalganj named G Krishnaiah with impeccable reputation by dragging him out of his official car and beating relentlessly along with mob and lynching him three decades ago.Hits: 5612 -
Right To Education And It's Application In India With Reference To Digital Age
Right To EducationHits: 6799 -
Right to ReligionHits: 8597
Attitude Of Government As A Litigant And The Plight Of Access To Justice
Attitude Of Government As A Litigant And The Plight Of Access To JusticeHits: 8142 -
Right to Education of Below Poverty Line Student: A Critical Study
Education is a key and important part or area in everyone's life that is extremely important for the development and progress of individuals, the society we live in and the nation as a whole.Hits: 6651 -
Constitutional Provisions Relating To Free Legal Aid In India: An Analytical Study.
Legal aid is a torch bearer for poor people who cannot afford to sue. It is free legal aid to the poor in litigation, administrative proceedings, litigation or any advice on any legal matter.Hits: 12118 -
Independence of judiciary, a question of law
Judiciary which is an independent legal body is known for providing impartial justice but what happens once it is abrogated when the other organs interrupt the judicial practice?Hits: 1873 -
SC Cracks Whip On Hate Speech: Buck Stops With Government
At the very outset, it must be stated before stating anything else that any speech which spreads hatred or breeds animosity among the different sectionsHits: 5331 -
Vysakh K.G. vs UOI that reporting and publishing of judgments are part of freedom of speech and expression.Hits: 5458
Best Way To Pay Utmost Respect To Constitution Of India
since last 21 years with specialization in criminal law with full sincerity even though I have dealt with in other cases also pertaining to other fields of law.Hits: 5239 -
Fair Trial Is A Constitutional Goal And Basic Fundamental Right Of Every Individual: Delhi HC
Vinod Rawat vs State that fair trial is a Constitutional goal and a basic fundamental right of every individual and it demands giving an opportunity to an accused to defend himself.Hits: 5889 -
Telangana vs B Subba Rayudu that there is only one domicile i.e. domicile of the country and there is no separate domicile for a State.Hits: 6802
Anupam Ghosh vs Faiz Mohammed that was pronounced finally on September 2, 2022 in exercise of its civil original jurisdiction while taking the right stand in dismissing a transfer petition minced...Hits: 6752
Nizamuddin Khan v. The State that matters regarding liberty of a person have to be dealt with cautiously and that a balance has to be struck between respect for his fundamental rights and free and...Hits: 6467
Jasbir Singh vs State that if the period of deprivation pending trial or disposal of criminal appeal becomes unduly long, the fairness assured by Article 21 of the Constitution of India would...Hits: 5482