Jharkhand HC Restrains State From Suspending Internet On Exam Days Without Permission
It must be disclosed here that the Division Bench comprising of Hon’ble Sri Justice Ananda Sen and Hon’ble Smt Justice Anubha Rawat Choudhary who authored this notable judgment had passed the order...Hits: 13598 -
UP Police Doing A Poor Job In Probing Cyber Crimes, Misuse Of Non-Consensual Images: Allahabad HC
Dharmendra vs UP expressed its utmost concern and deepest dismay over the pathetic and poor quality of shoddy investigation by the Uttar Pradesh police into cases of sharing and circulating...Hits: 12902 -
Delhi HC Issues Directions For Sale Of Used Hard Disk Drives
Seagate Technology LLC vs Daichi International has issued a slew of directions for the sale of used and refurbished hard disk drives (HDDs). There cannot be even an iota of doubt that it is these...Hits: 13743 -
Artificial Intelligence Cannot Substitute Human Intelligence In Adjudicatory Process: Delhi HC
Christian Louboutin SAS vs Shoe Boutique – SHUTIQ that: Accuracy and reliability of AI generated data is still in the grey area.Hits: 16117 -
Using Cyberspace To Vent Out Anger By Travestying PM, Key Figures Abhorrent: Allahabad HC
Niyaz Ahmad Khan vs U.P that the use of cyberspace by some people to vent out their anger and frustration by travestying the Prime Minister, key figures holding the highest office in the country,...Hits: 4967 -
Is the freedom of speech and expression being misused or is internet the new platform to stage the views of the world's largest democracy.Hits: 23022
In this Article I have discussed about various type of cyber crimes and different types of ways of hacking, phishing, etc. and I have also discussed about some safety measures which one can follow...Hits: 17321
Liability of Internet Intermediaries under Indian Legal System
The article talks about the liability of Internet IntermediariesHits: 16176 -
New Rules Notified To Make Social Media And OTT Platforms Accountable Are A Dire Necessity
t really warms the innermost cockles of my heart to see that the Centre has in a bold, balanced and brilliant move weeks after a long spat with Twitter very rightlyHits: 5270 -
New Rules Notified To Make Social Media And OTT Platforms Accountable
tightening of rules governing social media and streaming companies, requiring them to take down contentious content quicker, appoint grievance redressal officers and assist probe.Hits: 5030 -
EJ Dalius Discusses the Myths and Truths about Why Start-Up Businesses Succeed
Startups and their success depend on a variety of things. Yet, even in the face of adversity, they always seem to succeed when other businesses seem to fail.Hits: 2169 -
Why Should Organizations Make Best Use of Their Salesforce Sandboxes?
If you are a developer with experience in Salesforce, it is evident that you must be skilled and confident by now. Now, you are a professional when it comes to the cleaning and organizing of...Hits: 3885 -
India's National Digital Communications Policy 2018
National Digital Communications Policy 2018 - It is hoped that this policy will facilitate the unleashing of the creative energies of citizens, enterprises and institutions in India; and play a...Hits: 35953 -
How to Copyright eCommerce Website to Avoid Cyber Crime?
The cyber-crime is on the surge. The copyright law can combat it. Clearly state the copyright policy to your users. Lock the content of your eCommerce website under the encryption lock.Hits: 4475 -
Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information
Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules 2011Hits: 75670 -
Software Licenses law in India
Licenses are far more prevalent in the intangible world as compared to the real world.Hits: 12150 -
liability of network service providers intermediaries, for the offence of cyber pornography
Liability of network service providers / intermediaries, for the offence of cyber pornography under section 67 of the I.T. Act, 2000Hits: 18799 -
On-line Legal Dispute Resolution
On-line Legal Dispute Resolution itself denotes that the person who is interested to get his dispute resolved on-line without approaching personally either an arbitrator or a mediatorHits: 37367 -
On October 28, 1998, then-President Clinton signed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) into law.Hits: 3169
Cyber Terrorism- The Dark Side of The Web World
Another word for cyberspace is the virtual world a place in which computer programs function and data moves. Terrorism is a much used term, with many definitions. For the purposes of this project,Hits: 11207 -
Policy Hampering Illegal Data Entry Via Apps/Social Media
The policy to hamper the illegal use of app data and social media is a necessity. Illegal acquisition of data from the CA and YouTube Kids’ app for monetizing made it compulsory to launch a...Hits: 3597 -
Is the freedom of speech and expression being misused or is internet the new platform to stage the views of the world’s largest democracy.Hits: 18742