When Is A Co-Owner Legally Competent To Make A Transfer of property
Section 7 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 provides that every person competent to contract i.e. a major and of sound mind or is not disqualified by law for contracting.Hits: 14149 -
Hindu Muslim Christian Personal Laws in India
The people of India belong to different religions and faiths. They are governed by different sets of personal laws in respect of matters relating to family affairs,Hits: 22495 -
Procedure For Filing consumer Complaint
A complaint can be filed by a complainant against the seller, manufacturer, or dealer of goods which are defective or against the provider of servicesHits: 13624 -
What do your 2010 online holiday shopping purchases have to do with the budget gaps many states are struggling to fill right nowHits: 13547
Social justice means a way of life with liberty, equality and fraternity
Social justice means a way of life with liberty, equality and fraternity as the principles of life.Hits: 17020 -
How to Cope a Child Custody Dispute in Court
Your fitness as a parent goes to be questioned in any custody dispute. Do not offer your spouse equivalent any factsHits: 10280 -
Women Protection Laws are they really helping
Article 15(3) of Indian Constitution permits State to make any special provision in law for women as well as children.Hits: 553663 -
When Validity of the WILL is challenged in Court
Validity of the Will may be challenged due to Lack of executionHits: 5641 -
What cannot be copyrighted in India
Here are a list of things that cannot be Copyrighted in IndiaHits: 38591 -
Where exactly is the line drawn between contraception and abortion
Formerly it was thought that the vital point of time was fertilisation, the fusior of spermatozoon and ovum, but it is now realisedHits: 2971 -
When the Abortion Bill came before the House of Lords, much attention was given to this question.Hits: 11959
WTO Contribution in establishing Rule Based Trading System
The organization officially commence on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement, replacing the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade GATTHits: 11037 -
When did abortion come to be recognized as proper on medical grounds
In 1929 Parliament perceived the need to qualify the child destruction. statute by a provision for preserving the life of the mother, but crassly failed to add a similar exception to the abortion...Hits: 24615 -
What happens to the property of male Hindu dying intestate
A men Hindu passing away intestate without creating a WillHits: 60243 -
What happens to the share of property of Female Hindu dying intestate
A female Hindu dying intestate without making a Will – the property of the said Hindu goes according to the provisions made in Hindu Succession Act, 1956Hits: 74448 -
Significance of Immigration lawyers in India
When individuals plan on emigrating from one nation to another, they will need the solutions of an immigration lawyer.Hits: 9496 -
Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information
Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules 2011Hits: 75673 -
India is going on grate path of welfare-state. Mahatma Gandhi's greatest ambition for India was to wipe every tear from every eyeHits: 87566
What to do in case of Car accident
The first question that may pop into your mind is this: how can a lawyer possibly help me in case of accidents? You would be surprised that they can actually do a lot of things for you.Hits: 23205 -
Tips To Hire A Copyright Lawyer In India
Copyright is identified as the essential part of any company and the guidelines associated with it are required for defending the makers or different types of styles like music, artistryHits: 18976 -
The question of punishment for overlapping legal boundaries is a subject of continuing interest. Although not the most frequent used penal sanction, imprisonment of offenders remains a common...Hits: 10552
Software Licenses law in India
Licenses are far more prevalent in the intangible world as compared to the real world.Hits: 12156 -
Supreme Court let off three gang rapists
the Supreme Court let off three gang rapists after they claimed a ‘compromise formula’ with the victim and agreed to pay her a fine of Rs 50,000 each for their offence.Hits: 12726 -
Here is a list of stages in a Contest Divorce Proceedings
Here is a list of stages in a Contest Divorce ProceedingsHits: 19614 -
Solemnization of foreign marriages in India
Conditions relating to solemnization of foreign marriages.-A marriage between parties one of whom at least is a citizen of India may be solemnized under this Act by or before a Marriage Officer in...Hits: 11758 -
Strengthening Consumer Protection Against Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights
Strengthening Consumer Protection Against Abuse of Intellectual Property RightsHits: 26469 -
Social Discrimination and it’s Eradication Measures
Our Indian Society consist of a variety of people that differ in Cast, Religion, Economic status and Gender. For this society a different kind of Social Justice required.Hits: 14129 -
Section 18 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
The ingredients of Section 18 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 areHits: 62485 -
Plea Bargaining - An Indian Approach
In a democratic country like India, judiciary plays a vital role in establishing a state of justice. Justice is desired by each and every person on this earth.Hits: 62427