Daughter’s rights in ancestral property in India

Post 2005 daughter will acquire ownership rights on the property from the time of her conception.Â
 A daughter has right to partition and power to deal with the property as she pleases, , this right extends to seeking a partition and sale of the family home as well.
 Therefore there is a complete parity in terms of rights.
 However it should be noted that these rights extend to only ancestral properties or joint family properties and not separate properties such as, which include property earned by gift/will/acquired through purchase from own funds/acquisitions from own skill etc
How To Assert A Daughter's Right ? Filing A Suit For Partition
The Daughters (married, widowed or unmarried) now can approach the civil court for seeking a partition from their brothers/family/father etc. Their right is equal. Once acquired a lady is free to deal with the property the way she likes and it becomes her absolute property and her children have no right during her lifetime.
 A Daughter can file a suit for partition, on which certain court fees is payable. This court fee depends on the value of her share in the property and has to be calculated as per court fee chart.
 TAG : Daughter’s rights in ancestral property in India, daughters right in coparcenory property, property rights of female in india, daughters right to partition, daughter proprietary rights, daughter equal property rights, how to seek share in the property, rights daughters father’s property india, daughter right in father property.