Conceptual Exploration Of The Expression ‘ Security’ And Its Significance as well as Its Efflorescence

Conceptual Exploration Of The Expression ‘ Security’ And Its Significance as well as Its Efflorescence – A.J.E.SHINY
Security Studies also known as International Security Studies, is an academic sub-field within the wider discipline of International Relations. The scope of Security Studies will develop the Knowledge and analytical skills to identify and address traditional and non-traditional Security threats from both national and International Perspectives. Traditionally, the field of International Relations(IR) and International Security (IS) was Primarily focused on understanding War, Peace and the International System. The Security and Survival of States and the Power dynamics between them took centre-stage. While Similar in Origin, International Studies and International Relations are two distinct fields. International Relations emphasizes global affairs related to Politics, Economics and law on an International basis while International Studies explores the Social and Cultural aspects of Countries, World of Politics and the Social –historical impact of Global Development.
The Idea of achieving Security through National Armament is, at the Present State of military technique, a disastrous illusion ! – Albert Einstein
Types of Security Studies |
The most important duty of the government is to serve the people and guarantee the security of the Citizen and the Nation. National Security is about the free will of the government to take its own decision and to maintain the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Policies enacted by the government to ensure the survival of the state with the use of military, economic and diplomatic Power in war and peace refer to Internal Security. Thus, it is an essential component in the Overall Security of the nation. The State has been given the Constitutional Power and responsibility to Protect the Stability ,harmony and Security of its Citizens. Thus the State as an Organization can justify to itself only by maintaining the Peace, tranquility and Internal Security.
National Security is the root Password to the Constitution !
National Security is the fig leaf against freedom of Information!
National Security is vital for Economic and Social Progress!
Features of the Internal Security:
- From within the National Boundary.
- Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity are only Considered.
- Police force is responsible for maintaining Public Order.
- Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal Ministry for Internal Security.
Features of the External Security:
- From Outside the State’s boundary.
- Violence by a foreign Country.
- Armed forces are responsible for safeguarding the Country.
- Ministry of Defense is the nodal Ministry for External Security.
Traditional Internal Security Challenges:
- Terrorism
- Organized Crime
- Growth Of Militancy
- Powerless Multilateral Institutions
- Evolving Multi-Polar World And Shift Of Power Towards Asia
- Proliferation of Nuclear and Weapons Of Mass Destruction
- Instability In The Afghanistan –Pakistan Region
- Maritime Security
- Energy Security
Non-Traditional Internal Security Challenges:
In the globalised era, new dimensions give rise to various Internal Security challenges:
They are
- Epidemics and Pandemics;
- Cyber Security threats;
- Climate Change Challenges;
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Management;
- Small arms and Light Weapons Proliferation
- Environmental Security Threats
Factors Responsible for Internal Security Problems:
- Large- Scale Poverty and Unemployment
- Lack of Proper Governance in many regions
- Increased Communal Violence
- Regional Elites Using Religion, Language, Region, Caste etc to their advantage.
- Jobless Growth
- Unstable Neighborhood
- Open borders which are difficult to monitor
- Corruption
- Prolonged Judicial Process
- Caste Consciousness
Key Elements Of Internal Security Doctrine :
- Political Situation
- Socio-Economic Consideration
- Governance
- Police and Other Security forces
- Co-ordination between the Centre and the State
- Collection of Intelligence
- Border Area Management
- Cyber Security Management
Essential Aspects of Internal Policy Doctrine:
Only an Internal Policy doctrine that Covers the Overall defense and Security System is Competent to manage the threat. Each and every group has its own uniqueness and ideology, which makes it tedious to formulate an Internal Security doctrine.
- Physical Component
- Military Capability
- Intelligence Gathering
- Good Governance
- Economic Growth
- Psychological Component
- Readiness of the People to support the government in its Initiatives
- Ideological Counter-Measures
Those who would give up essential liberty to Purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety according to Benjamin Franklin .Therefore , India’s Security Policy is founded on the bedrock of its Constitutional values of Secularism, Democracy, Pluralism, Peaceful co-existence. Security is development and the Security Policy became an important tool for individual nation states to further their national Interests by attempting to Influence the International System. Hence ,the developmental and governance-related challenges faced in order to regulate the Security of the Citizens and the Nation should be addressed in an effective way towards the Sustainable Survival.