Easy Tips to Get Unmarried Certificate from SDM in India

The path to get a legal document is not a bed of roses. But, you cannot put documentation work on the back burner. They legalise your identity, residence and citizenship. In short, your Adhaar card, voter id, date of birth certificate, bank passport and utility bills are evidences of your nativity and presence at a particular place and in a country.
This is why the PSK (Passport Sewa Kendra), Municipal Corporation, Panchayat and immigration authority focus on releasing and verifying the contextual document.
But, the complex procedures and typical methods have made obtaining a certificate a nightmare. However, there are several official competent authorities to take care of these procedures. But still, it is no less than a hell to stand in a long queue for the whole day with an application form in the hands.
This article ensures healing your pain looming around getting an unmarried certificate in India. Let’s begin with the significant role of the SDM officer.
Role of SDM in Getting Unmarried Certificate:
An SDM stands for Sub-Divisional Magistrate. This title brings along accountability for verification of diverse documents. Also, it endures responsibilities, associated with revenue department, magisterial functions and disaster management. These dimensions comprise a broad range of contextual roles that are segregated under the Criminal Procedure Code 1973shiv.lunar.m.Mohan.
As far as the unmarried certificate is concerned, it is a legal document requisite for solemnizing marriage in western and some Asian countries. It mainly is a need of a non-resident of India who wants to settle life with a foreigner spouse.
Being a hub of people with diverse religions, India cannot seek this certificate. It doesn’t have any competent authority to resolve queries regarding the single status certificate. But as it is mandatory to present it before the foreign authority, Indian constitution empowers this right to the SDM. He is marked under the Gazette Officer of Group A. The value of his attestation is universally accepted. This is why he can be a signing authority that is legitimate to attest the single status certificate in India.
Easy Tips to Get Single Status Certificate in India:
However, the internet has hundreds of outsourcers who support NRIs with this service. But, you cannot detect if or not they are genuine. In short, the defaulters can cheat on you to seek monitory benefits. Therefore, visiting in person to the SDM office is a better alternative to get this certificate.
Before visiting the nearest SDM office, you should be ready with your documents. Here is a list of all documents and their photocopies that you ought to carry with:
- DoB proof, such as birth certificate/ school certificate/ voter id card/ ration card/ PAN card
- Residency proof, such as driving licence, bank passbook/ passport/ rent agreement (if living on rent)
- Guardian’s identity proof, such as father’s voter ID/ adhaar card/ utility bill
- A notarized affidavit, stating that the applicant is unmarried
Let’s move to some easy steps of getting this certificate:
- Visit the SDM office to obtain this document.
- Put forth the reason of why you intend to get it.
- Attest all copies by self and by guardian.
- Show him/her all documents together with their copies.
- The SDM will verify them, enclosing the photocopies of all necessary documents with the affidavit.
- Once he is satisfied, he will put his stamp together with the signature on the certificate.
- The officer will return the originals, while handing it over to you.
- Take it to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
- Get its stamp.
- Finally, get it attested by the Indian and foreign consulate respectively.
It is worth mentioning that the applicant with fake documents can be caught and sent to jail or penalized. Being an experienced, the officer could easily detect the fraud. So, attempting cheating is strictly prohibited.