Is the freedom of speech and expression being misused or is internet the new platform to stage the views of the world's largest democracy.Hits: 23022
This article critically analyses the concept of Parliamentary privileges enshrined under Article 105 of the Constitution of India along with various judicial pronouncement.Hits: 11069
Improvements to mortgaged property
The law relating to improvements to mortgaged property as embodied under Section 63-A was introduced by the Amending Act of 1929. Before this amendment, the Act, i.e., the Transfer of Property Act,...Hits: 18775 -
Product Patent and Exclusive Marketing Rights
This article seeks to address the loopholes in the TRIPS agreement regarding product patents and EMRs and its negative impact on India and suggest methods to minimize the impact.Hits: 50485 -
The general principle, is that a FIR cannot be depended upon a substantive piece of evidence.The article discusses the general priciple, along with exceptions to it.Hits: 46220
Man is the only animal who believes in keeping order in his world. This was one of the reasons that he invented the concept of lawHits: 48723
Is the freedom of speech and expression being misused or is internet the new platform to stage the views of the world’s largest democracy.Hits: 18742