Why Unlike Doctors We Have No Advocates Protection Act In UP?
It is a matter of deepest concern that for advocates in Uttar Pradesh which is the most populated State in India with maximum number of pending cases amongst all the States in India and so also...Hits: 9981 -
Navneet Singh Sindhu vs UOIdecided to grant disability pension to a former Short Services Commissioned Officer after very rightly quashing a medical board report for being legally and factually...Hits: 11048
CJI Very Commendably Applauds Advocate Nizam Pasha For Suggestions To Mitigate Manipur Situation
Most of us are certainly fully seized of the huge escalating violence in Manipur that had spiralled virtually out of control thus virtually stealing the entire limelightHits: 10368 -
Adivasis for Social and Human Rights Action v UofIthat the Court also rejected the argument that the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution takes away the right of a non-tribal person to settle down...Hits: 6281
A Short Biography on Mamata Banerjee Chief Minister of West Bengal
Mamata Banerjee is an Indian politician and the current Chief Minister of West Bengal. She was born on January 5, 1955, in Kolkata, West Bengal. Mamata Banerjee completed her education from...Hits: 9810 -
NCLAT Upholds Imposition Of Rs 200 Crores Penalty On Amazon By CCI As Fair And Sensible
Amazon.com NV Investment Holdings LLC v Competition Commission of India has decisively upheld the order passed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) whereby Amazon was directed to pay Rs...Hits: 7290 -
Anamika Srivastava v. Anoop Srivastava that the Court is not supposed to act in a mechanical manner and force the parties to engage in mediation where the marriage has irretrievably broken down.Hits: 5983
CBI Must Function Independently Without Any Interference Of Any Kind
CBI was established vide a resolution of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of IndiaHits: 5712 -
Rajasthan vs Love Kush Meena held many times earlier also that acquittal based on a benefit of doubt in respect of a heinous or serious nature of crime cannot make the candidate eligible for...Hits: 6272
Recruitment To Public Services Must Command Public Confidence: SC
Sachin Kumar vs. Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board (DSSSB) recruitment to public services must command public confidence.Hits: 7567 -
In Re: The Proper Treatment Of Covid 19 Patients And Dignified Handling Of Dead Bodies In The Hospitals Etc.Hits: 6569
It is impossible not to notice all around us, how easily the 'common woman' is put down by the 'common man'. Less said the better of what happens to the Third Gender!Hits: 4063
NCLT Has No Jurisdiction To Examine Legality Of Action Taken Under MPID Act
Deputy Collector & Competent Authority (NSEL) V/s Anil Kohil the National Company Law Tribunal has no jurisdiction to examine the legality or validity of action taken under Maharashtra...Hits: 5786 -
Why Can't Rapists Be Punished Promptly With Death?
an 18-year-old girl was allegedly raped and set ablaze at a village in Fatehpur district in Uttar Pradesh. She is battling for life at a Kanpur hospital with 90% burns. What was her fault?Hits: 5067 -
Jilting A Lover Is Not An Offence: Delhi HC Upholds Acquittal of Rape Accused
State vs Sandeep held that jilting a lover, however abhorrent that it may seem to some, is not an offence. so while upholding the acquittal of a man accused of raping a woman on the pretext of...Hits: 11534 -
Right To Get Anticipatory Bail Is Not Any Fundamental Right: Punjab and Haryana High Court
Sanjeev Sharma vs Haryana held loud and clear that right to get anticipatory bail is not any fundamental right.Hits: 11311 -
Harendra Bahadur vs U.P. held that plea for anticipatory bail is not maintainable before High Court without approaching Sessions Court unless there are special reasons.Hits: 13222
Christopher Raj Vs K Vijayakumar the Supreme Court has observed that the High Court in a criminal appeal cannot reverse the acquittal without affording any opportunity of hearing to the accused or...Hits: 7972
Mikisew Cree First Nation v/s Canada - Legalization of recreational marijuana use
On 17th October 2018, the Cannabis Act came into force and Canada became the largest country in the world with a legal marijuana marketplace.Hits: 8087 -
Election Rights: Preventing Fraud And Manipulation
Voters must be confident that their vote can be cast freely in secret and be assured that every vote will be kept secure and counted correctly. The voter must also have confidence that elections...Hits: 12134 -
Media Rights: The Battle For Press And Media Freedom
free press which has the power to hold Government, public authorities and other parts of the State - in other words, those who exercise power over citizens - to account it is the watchdog of the...Hits: 12083 -
The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2018
The Prevention of Corruption Act. the ratification by India of the UN Convention Against Corruption. the international practice on treatment of the offence of bribery and corruption and judicial...Hits: 15473 -
The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2018
There had been several instances of economic offenders fleeing the Jurisdiction of Indian courts anticipating the commencement of criminal proceedings or sometimes during the pendency of such...Hits: 18481 -
Somnath Chatterjee, The legendary Speaker of Lok Sabha
Somnath Chatterjee, the Speaker of the 14th Lok Sabha (2004-2009), the House of the People, India, who was born on 25 July 1929, passed away on 9 May 2018 at the age of 89.Hits: 16754 -
Human Rights In The Modern Era: Privacy Rights
As the digital age expands into homes, between businesses and across borders, legislators are struggling to strike a balance between guaranteeing freedom of expression and protecting privacy,...Hits: 12965 -
Mandatory For Assistant Public Prosecutors To Secure 25% Conviction For A Promotion
Quashed resoundingly a government resolution imposing a condition that the Assistant Public Prosecutor, whose rate of conviction is less than 25% of the cases handled by him, is not entitled to...Hits: 6472 -
SLP Against Death Sentence Shall Not Be Dismissed Without Giving Reasons: SC
In Babasaheb Maruti Kamble v Maharashtra it was held that the Special Leave Petitions filed in those cases where death sentence is awarded by the courts below, should not be dismissed without...Hits: 23636 -
In Sweden it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute. Prostitution is legal though.Hits: 6398
All eligible green card holders can apply for US citizenship using Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. After completing the citizenship application, applicantHits: 4675
Millions of the foreigners are dreaming to enter into the United States with many reasons either visiting purpose or work purpose.Hits: 5374