Net Neutrality And Its Importance
The Conceptual meaning of Net Neutrality and its essential featuresHits: 565 -
Joginder Singh vs Punjab that inmates are not to be unnecessarily subjected to cruel or degrading treatment.Hits: 9619
Comparative Analysis Of Data Protection Laws In Different Jurisdictions
Today, digital evolution must no longer be a customer compromise between privacy and security. Privacy is not a product to be sold, it is a valuable asset to be protected.Hits: 10322 -
Cryptocurrencies: Neither Currency Nor Commodity
The cryptocurrency market has been a hot topic since the first time it was recorded in India. Since then, this highly volatile market has grown manyfold.Hits: 7264 -
Individuals and institutions make use of this technology which gives them quicker access to financial services. Such access is also very cost-effective. However, there have been concerns regarding...Hits: 1965 -
Cryptocurrency; Playground for Cyber Warfare
Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency secured by cryptography and is a decentralised network based on blockchain technology.Hits: 6599 -
No One Can Be Allowed To Block Roads And Rail Tracks
Offering namaz on road is a big crime for me which I will never commit under any circumstancesHits: 7285 -
Ban on chinese apps is the most important step taken by Indian government towards the pricacy of nation.Which also helped country's enterpreneur to enhance themselves alotHits: 38817
Rahmu @ Rahmuddin vs State of UP in Criminal Misc. Bail Application No. 34008 of 2020 expressed its most serious concerns over frequent misuse of the provisions of Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow...Hits: 6330
Human Rights In The Modern Era: Privacy Rights
As the digital age expands into homes, between businesses and across borders, legislators are struggling to strike a balance between guaranteeing freedom of expression and protecting privacy,...Hits: 12965 -
Human Rights in the Modern Era: Privacy Rights: A Commonwealth Perspective
The doyens of 20th century human rights declarations and conventions could never have envisaged a world so interconnected as ours, where information is shared globally and instantaneously, and many...Hits: 10859 -
in order to protect the national interest, effective enforcement of Indian Law, protection from external vulnerabilities, preventing foreign surveillance and facilitation of law enforcement access,...Hits: 6505
S. Nambi Narayanan v Siby Mathews Reputation of an individual is an insegregable facet of his right to life with dignity, and fundamental right of the scientist under Article 21 has been gravely...Hits: 10962
Privacy per se is an undisputed right of an individual comprehensively bonded with his/her life. Privacy becomes matter of controversy when it is mishandled/intruded illegitimately by erroneous...Hits: 43317