Suresh Kumar vs UOI that right to be forgotten for a juvenile by way of destroying records of juvenile delinquency is an absolute right and has to be given full meaning by the State.Hits: 24035
Juvenile Offenders Should Be Brought Back Into Mainstream of Society: Madras HC
X vs The State of Tamil Nadu We need to note that the Madurai Bench was most forthcoming and forthright in suggesting the expansion of reformative initiatives to be undertaken all across Tamil Nadu...Hits: 19012 -
Ramji Lal Bairwavs Rajasthan the Rajasthan High Court had quashed the matter that was primarily based on a ‘compromise’ between the victim’s father and teacher.Hits: 15859
Protection of Children From Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, that POCSO Act has become a tool for exploitation and it was never meant to criminalize consensual romantic relationships between adolescents.Hits: 13632
Sahil vs NCT of Delhi that POCSO Act is being misapplied as cases are being filed at the behest of the girl’s family who object to her friendship and romantic involvement with a young boy.Hits: 24358
Subjecting Child To Corporal Punishment Can't Be Part Of Education: Chhattisgarh HC
Sister Mercy @ Elizabeth Jose (Devasiya) vs Chhattisgarh that subjecting the child to corporal punishment for reforming him/her cannot be part of education.Hits: 23701 -
X Vs Uttarakhand while extending bail to a juvenile accused in a case registered under Sections 376(3), 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and Section 5(j)(ii)/6 of the Protection of Children from...Hits: 12426
Automatic Or Accidental Downloading Of Child Pornography Is Not Offence: Kerala HC
Sebin Thomas vs Kerala that accidental or automatic downloading of child pornography without intent does not constitute an offence under Section 67B of the Information Technology Act, provided no...Hits: 9717 -
No Reason To Discard Testimony Of 8-Yr-Old Child If Competent To Give Rational Answers: MP HC
Ganesh Balai vs Madhya Pradesh That there is no reason to reject the testimony of a child of tender age per se has upheld the conviction and sentence that was passed by the Trial Court in a murder...Hits: 15884 -
Mandatory For A Parent To Inform About POCSO Offence Against The Child To The Police: P&H HC
Surjeet Khanna vs Haryana that it is mandatory for a parent to inform about the offence against child to the police under Section 19 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012...Hits: 13950 -
Custody Of Minor Child With His Father Cannot Be Termed As Illegal Confinement: J&K&L HC
Showkat Ahmad Mir vs Nighat Begum that the custody of a child with his father can, in no circumstances, be termed as illegal confinement amounting to an offence as the father happens to be the...Hits: 10493 -
POCSO Act Not Meant To Criminalize Consensual Relationships Of Adolescents: Karnataka HC
G Raghu Varma vs Karnataka that the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was not meant to criminalize consensual sexual relationships between adolescents, but to protect them...Hits: 24294 -
Right To Adopt Children Is Not A Fundamental Right: Delhi HC
Debarti Nandee vs Ms Tripti Gurha that were made to the Adoption Rules under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 clarifying that the right to adopt children is not a...Hits: 10497 -
Delhi HC Rightly Quashes Case Against POCSO Accused
Prem Kumar vs Statevery rightly quashed a first information report (FIR) that was registered under provision of Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (POCSO Act) and Section 376...Hits: 9812 -
SC Emphasises Importance of ‘Support Persons’ For Victims Under POCSO Act; Issues Guidelines
Bachpan Bachao Andolan vs UOI What is the real icing on the cake in this notable judgment is the most commendable directions that were issued for framing the guidelines on their appointment to the...Hits: 10652 -
Ajay Yadav vs UP that it is very unfortunate that nowadays, in maximum cases women are filing false FIRs under the POCSO/SC-ST Act using it as a weapon to grab money from the State and this...Hits: 7796
Rahul Chandel Jatav v/s Madhya Pradesh Government of India to think, deliberate and contemplate about reducing the consent age of the victim from 18 to 16 years in rape cases as defined by the...Hits: 10210
Nesar Ahmed Khan vs Orissa that Muslims cannot seek adoption of minor children under their personal laws and they must strictly follow the prescriptions laid down under the Juvenile Justice (Care...Hits: 8982
Master X th. Shah Wali Vs J&K that a Sessions Court or a Children’s Court cannot entertain a revision petition against the order of Juvenile Justice Board.Hits: 8244
Shubham @ Bablu Milind Suryavanshi v. Maharashtra that on being tried as an adult, the juvenile is not denuded of the statutory right available to him under Section 12 of the Act.Hits: 13520
Plea Of Juvenility Can Be Raised Even After Conviction, Sentence: P&H HC
ABC v Haryana that the plea of juvenility can be raised by a person even after the disposal of the case in terms of conviction and sentence, as per which plea, the authorities shall be bound to...Hits: 5642 -
Shadab Ansari v/s Madhya Pradesh has upheld the decision of the Trial Court to close the rights of the accused in POCSO case nothing that they were indulging in dilatory tactics to defer the minor...Hits: 7533
Will Inculcate Discipline, Expose Child To Different Regions And Cultures: MP HC
Anand Kumar vs Lakhan Jatav that his paramilitary background would work to the advantage of the child for his overall growth and personality development.Hits: 4548 -
Neena George vs Alwin K Jacob that while considering custody matters, Court must pass orders ensuring that the child is not totally deprived of the love, affection and company of one of the parents.Hits: 6373
Neena George vs Alwin K Jacob settled position of law that while considering custody matters, Court must pass orders ensuring that the child is not totally deprived of the love, affection and...Hits: 5913
Sexual Activity With Minor Based On Bedrock Of Love: Meghalaya HC Quashes POCSO Case
Shri Manik Sunar Vs Meghalaya that was filed by the petitioner-accused who was charged with offences under POCSO and IPC, ordered for the quashing of the offences on grounds that the alleged...Hits: 5673 -
POCSO Act: Unilateral Bail Cancellation Without Hearing Accused Not Legal: Kerala High Court
Muhammed Yasin vs Station House Officer that while hearing an application for cancellation of bail, even of an accused booked under the POCSO Act, an opportunity of hearing must be accorded to the...Hits: 6154 -
Child Rape Worst Form Of Lust For Sex, Nothing More Obscene, Barbaric Than It: Punjab and Haryana HC
Manoj Kumar Vs Haryana that child rape cases are the cases of the worst form of lust for sex, where children of tender age are not even spared in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.Hits: 5689 -
Lodging Juveniles In Adult Prisons Amounts To Their Deprivation Of Their Personal Liberty : SC
Vinod Katara vs Uttar Pradesh that lodging juveniles in adult prisons amounts to deprivation of their personal liberty.Hits: 6464 -
Soumen Biswas @ Litan Biswas vs West Bengal Special Courts to ensure a smooth, prompt and seamless examination of the minor victim of sexual offences.Hits: 6047