Muslim Women Illegally Divorced Through Triple Talaq Can Seek Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC: SC
Mohd Abdul Samad vs Telangana that a Muslim woman who has been illegally divorced by the pronouncement of triple talaq is entitled to seek maintenance from her husband as per Section 125 of the...Hits: 9645 -
Rahul Gandhi vs State that the accused was a married man and father of a child, she could not allege that the consent was obtained on a false promise of marriage.Hits: 13810
Wife Refusing To Establish Physical Relations With Husband Amounts To Cruelty: MP HC
X vs Y that the denial of the wife for making physical relationship with the husband amounts to crueltyHits: 13803 -
Naziya Ansari vs UP And 2 Others that no one can restrain an adult from going anywhere that he/she likes, staying with a person of his/her choice or solemnizing marriage according to his/her will...Hits: 13315
Cannot Deny Paternity Of Children While Refusing To Undergo DNA Test: Allahabad HC
S vs State of UP that a man cannot deny paternity of his children and at the same time refuse to undergo a DNA test ordering him to either provide maintenance or to undergo the test.Hits: 13931 -
M Sreenivasulu vs Andhra Pradesh that there is no utility in prolonging the proceedings under Section 498A IPC and Sections 3 and 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 where the Family CourtHits: 14857
Sunny Alias Ravi Kumar vs NCT of Delhi that no wrongdoing can be attributed if two consenting adults indulge in consensual sexual activity, regardless of their marital status.Hits: 14946
Although Adultery Is Ground For Divorce, It Can’t Be A Ground To Deny Child’s Custody: Bombay HC
Abhishek Ajit Chavan vs Gauri Abhishek Chavan that adultery is a ground for divorce but cannot be a ground for denying custody of a childHits: 10597 -
Parteek Bansal vs Rajasthanthe exercise of its criminal appellate jurisdiction has imposed a cost of Rs 5 lakhs on a wife’s father for lodging a false Section 498A IPC case at different places...Hits: 10710
XXX v/s Karnataka that family members of husband are often implicated in cases under Section 498A of IPC though there is no evidence against them.Hits: 10960
I S vs Govt of NCT of Delhi that a woman making a reasoned choice to establish physical relation knowing consequences then consent can’t be said to be based on a misconception.Hits: 10160
SC Issues Guidelines To Courts For Protection Of Couples
Devu G Nair vs Kerala guidelines for the courts to implement most strictly while dealing with the petitions that are filed by the couples who are seeking protection and advised against making any...Hits: 10281 -
Durga Bai vs Keval Singh that a woman cannot request maintenance from her second husband under Section 125 of CrPC if her first marriage survives. This definitely is worth emulating by all the...Hits: 10622
Daughter-In-Law Cannot Seek Maintenance From Parents-In-Law: Karnataka HC
Abdul Khader vs Tasleem Jamela Agadi that under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a daughter-in-law cannot lay a claim for maintenance against her parents-in-law.Hits: 8601 -
Courts Have To Safeguard Family System Which Is Fast Eroding: Madras HC
A Aashifa Begum vs Khader Beevi that Courts have to safeguard the family system in the country which is fast eroding.Hits: 10318 -
MP HC Imposes Rs 1 Lakh Cost On Divorced Woman For Misuse Of Court Process
X vs Madhya Pradesh Station House Officer the extent of imposing an exemplary cost of Rs 1 lakh on a divorced woman for misuse of the process of the court saying clearly that unscrupulous litigants...Hits: 10433 -
Vikram Ramesh Rughani vs Maharashtra that a Magistrate cannot impose more than 12 months sentence for non-payment of maintenance in an application under Section 125(3) CrPC.Hits: 15389
Sorry To See That Rapacity Can Create Conflicts And Damage Blood Relationships: Allahabad HC
Smt Vinita Mehrotra vs UP that it was sorry to see that rapacity can create conflicts and damage blood relationships.Hits: 15880 -
ABC vs XYZ that the vindictiveness aimed to erode a father-daughter relationship is not only an act of extreme cruelty to the father but also gross inhumanity to the child.Hits: 12603
Gaurav Wankhede vs Maharashtra that a man having sexual intercourse with a woman after promising to marry her and later going back on the promise will not amount to rape if the promise was genuine...Hits: 10484
Not Safe To Conclude That Physical Relationship Was Solely Based On Promise Of Marriage: MP HC
Hariom Shrivastava vs Madhya Pradesh that was heard on 02.01.2024 and then finally pronounced on 23.01.2024 has acquitted a man who was convicted of rape due to the false promise of marriage after...Hits: 10470 -
As Per Indian Culture, A Married Woman Must Serve Aged Mother-In-Law: Jharkhand HC
Rudra Narayan Ray vs Piyali Ray Chatterjee that: According to Indian culture, a married woman is expected to serve her aged mother-in-law and she must adhere to the same to preserve the culture.Hits: 8498 -
Maksood Ahmad vsNCT of Delhi that individual undergoing religious conversion for the purpose of marriage must be fully informed of the legal consequences associated with it.Hits: 9925
ABC vs Jharkhand that the documentary evidence of marriage cannot be insisted particularly in a proceeding under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure (CrPC).Hits: 9813
that Rule 4 of the Quartermaster Rules only entitles a married army officer to an accommodation.Hits: 10218
Shalu Arora vs Tanu Bathla that a spouse will not be liable for dishonour of a cheque signed by the other spouse, merely because it was drawn on the couple’s joint account.Hits: 9080
Rohit Chaturvedi vs Smt Neha Chaturvedi that: If small disputes in a marriage are viewed as 'cruelty' by courts under divorce law, then many marriages would risk being dissolved even if there is no...Hits: 9581
If Saptapadi Has Not Been Completed, Marriage Won’t Be Complete And Binding: Patna HC
Ravi Kumar vs Bandana Kumari that if ‘Saptapadi’ has not been completed, marriage would not be considered to be complete and binding.Hits: 11091 -
Petty Quarrels Do Not Amount To Cruelty U/S 498A IPC: Bombay HC
Ramesh Sitaldas Dalal vs Maharashtra the exercise of its criminal appellate jurisdiction has quashed an FIR that was lodged against an elderly couple accused of harassing the estranged wife of...Hits: 8340 -
Muslim Wife Can't Be Denied Maintenance When Factum Of Divorce Not Properly Established: J&K&L HC
Zahoor Ahmad Dar Vs Jameela Bano while speaking out most vocally in favour of legal rights of Muslim wife has unequivocally ordered a Muslim man to maintain his wife till the factum of divorce, as...Hits: 9270