Inayat Altaf Shekh v/s UP that the unity of India is not made of bamboo reeds that will bend to the passing winds of empty slogans, and that the foundations of our nation are more enduring.Hits: 5819
Suo Motu v/s Kerala has issued a set of directions to ensure road safety and adherence with the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act in the wake of the rising number of accidents reported...Hits: 5004
Sunil Kumar Rai vs Bihar that the delay by itself cannot be used as a weapon to veto an action under Article 32 when violation of fundamental rights is clearly at stake.Hits: 16453
Public Interest Has Precedence Over Private Interest: Gujarat HC
Dharmendra Ravi Pratap Rajak Vs Gujarat has refused to stall the redevelopment work being carried out in Public Housing Blocks, noting that public interest will always have precedence over a...Hits: 6026 -
Mamni Pradhan vs South Eastern Coalfields Ltd that a clause in an agreement under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, which only entitled a male dependent for compensatory recruitment, should be read in...Hits: 4796
Mayra alias Vaishnvi Vilas Shirshikar vs UP Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is long overdue called upon the Central Government to implement the mandate of Article 44 of the Constitution of India [Uniform...Hits: 6094
Can Judicial Opinion of the Supreme Court Change from Bench to Bench?
What is the Fate of Law when Supreme Court Judges of different benches offer conflicting Judicial Opinions on the same kind of legal matter and H.C. judges do not follow S.C. precedents?Hits: 9858 -
Sri Guru Dattatreya Peeta Devasthana Samvardhana Samithi vs Karnataka just no words to make it absolutely clear that the Government's order permitting only a Mujawar (Muslim Priest) to perform the...Hits: 5774
How Has The Supreme Court Developed Its Approach To Defining Personal Liberty?
A careful look at supreme Court's approach in devloping Jurisprudence with respect to Article 21.Hits: 3031 -
this Court is also of the opinion that the right to privacy of the plaintiff is to be protected, especially when it is her person that is being exhibited, and against her will.Hits: 4900
Mohd. Farman vs. U.P. maintaining beard by a member of disciplined force may not be protected under Article 25 of Constitution.Hits: 6216
Electoral reforms in India: A desideratum
Electoral reforms in India have played an important role in bringing forth a change. In this article, I have elucidated upon certain reforms required and the reason behind bringing forth such...Hits: 6559 -
Making A Complete Mockery Of Personal Liberty In India
If there is one case which in my opinion is amply good to demonstrate that in India we see a complete mockery of personal liberty being madeHits: 4683 -
judiciary surpasses the route in the form judicial activism
Activism is delicate exercise insight the issues to brings out needed innovation in the form of solutionHits: 5266 -
Section 124A...... is perhaps the prince among the political sections of the Indian Penal Code designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen.Hits: 4897
How Can You Claim Compensation for a Data Breach?
The compensation for a data breach can be claimed from the organisation directly that has used your information. It’s a protocol that ICO has defined. In case, the matter has not been settled, you...Hits: 5896 -
Fundamental Right To Life Under Article 21 Includes Right To Food And Other Basic Necessities: SC
Re: Problems And Miseries Of Migrant Labourers in Suo Motu that the fundamental right to life enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution may be interpreted to include right to live with human...Hits: 6019 -
Indian Young Lawyers Association & ors. vs. The state of Kerala & ors.
Sabrimala Case NoteHits: 20957 -
Forced Vaccination Violates Fundamental Right: Meghalaya HC
Registrar General, High Court of Meghalaya Vs State of Meghalayathat forced vaccination violates fundamental rights as mandated under Article 19(1)(g) of the Indian Constitution and has very...Hits: 5040 -
What is Plea bargaining and how does it work?
The idea of plea bargaining was not there in criminal law since its initiation. Thinking about this situation, Indian Legal researchers and Jurists consolidated this idea in Indian Criminal Law. As...Hits: 5958 -
President Must Speak Up For Lt.Col Purohit
I am sorry to say but his (Lt Col Srikant Purohit) plight is worse than even Kulbhushan Jadhav who too was wrongly implicated as a terrorist but this happened in PakistanHits: 6499 -
RTI Act Has Armed Citizens With The Most Potent Tool
Going forward, I would even say that right to information must be accorded the status of a fundamental right by all the democratic countriesHits: 5559 -
You can call it RTI part II as it would enable people to claim every entitlement that is promised through various programmesHits: 5428
Law Of Sedition Must Be Amended To Meet The Present Era
Section 124A...... is perhaps the prince among the political sections of the Indian Penal Code designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen.Hits: 8241 -
Think Act Rise Foundation Through Arjun Kasana vs Uttarakhand has prima facie ruled that the fundamental right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India of Van Gujjars families was...Hits: 5246
Law Of Sedition Must Be Amended To Meet The Present Era
open contempt and anger describing it as prince among the political sections of the Indian Penal Code designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen is still continuing unabatedHits: 5634 -
A Comparative Study of Doctrine of Pleasure
A comparative study on the evolution and application of doctrine of pleasure.Hits: 7138 -
Sonali Hatua Giri Vs UOI Authorized Public Sector Banks, issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs as being violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of IndiaHits: 20278