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The Symbolism of Justice Lady Justica

Posted in: Jurisprudence
Sat, Jun 27, 20, 00:03, 5 Years ago
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The Symbolism and history of Law Lady
Lady Justice, the international figurine of law, traces its origins to the Western European mythological texts, especially from that of the Rome.

Be it the Greek Goddess Themis, or the Egyptian diety of Ma’at, or Justitia, the Roman Goddess of Justice, that mostly resmbles the present day Lady Justice , the concept of personification of Justice has been a practice since time immemorial.

According to historians, the first statues of the personified form of justice appeared in the Egyptian Civilisation and then traveled Northwards to Eastern Europe and the to Rome, where it assumed it's present form.

Goddess Justitia can be seen wearing robes, with her hair tied behind in bun, carrying the three symbols of justice: The Sword, The Balance and The Blindfold.

The Sword represents the power and supremacy of law. It not only makes sure that the citizens abide the law, but also symbolises the element of punishment that is granted to the one who dares to violate the letter and spirit of law.

The Balance Scales are the symbol of analysis and scrutiny. Goddess Justica, not only weighs both the sides, but also decides the validity of a lawsuit by measuring the sides on the balance scale of justice. The Balance Scale also ensures that justice is to be imparted not in haste but in a proper manner, taking into consideration the spirit of the law.

The Blindfold, that was first seen on Lady Justice in the 14th century A.D. has now become a synonymous with Lady Justice.
The Blindfold symbolises the impartial and indiscriminate nature of law and justice.
Be it rich or poor, man or woman, elder or child, Lady Justice makes sure that no one is denied justice and hence upholds the Law and Justice in the society.
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Ishan Dhyani
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