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SC Settles Disputes Between National And State Child Rights Commissions Over Powers To Conduct Inquiry

Posted in: Juvenile Laws
Thu, Jan 16, 20, 08:52, 5 Years ago
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Two Commissions National Child Rights Commission and State Child Rights Commissions start squabbling amongst themselves over powers to conduct inquiry National Commission For Protection of Child Rights v/s Dr Rajesh Kumar

The gravity of seriousness of the situation which arises when two Commissions – National Child Rights Commission and State Child Rights Commissions start squabbling amongst themselves over powers to conduct inquiry can be gauged from this that when the Apex Court was called to decide on it in this latest case titled National Commission For Protection of Child Rights & Ors Vs. Dr Rajesh Kumar & Ors in Civil Appeal No. 7968 of 2019 (@Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 34251 of 2017), it pulled back no punches in lamenting on this ugly fight right from the start of this judgment! This ego clash between two Commissions should not have taken place but they did! The Apex Court has dealt on this in detail in a damning indictment and arrived at the right decision which we will deal later on!

To start with, this notable judgment authored by Justice Deepak Gupta for himself and Justice Aniruddha Bose and delivered on January 13, 2020 sets the ball rolling in para 1 wherein it is observed that, It's so sad! We start with a lament because institutions set up to protect children have virtually forsaken them in a fight over their so called jurisdictions.

What more should the Apex Court write right at the outset to express its strongest displeasure on the way in which this ugly squabble broke out between the two top institutions meant to raise their voice in favour of children? The Apex Court has every reason to feel so strongly on this!

Needless to say, it is then pointed out in para 2 that, India is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 which makes it obligatory upon the signatory States to take all necessary steps to protect the rights of the children as set out in the Convention. The Government of India enacted the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. This was repealed by the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as 'the JJ Act').

To be sure, para 3 then states that, It was felt expedient to enact a law constituting special commissions to protect the rights of children. Parliament enacted the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as 'the CPCR Act'). The CPCR Act envisages the constitution of a National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (hereinafter referred to as 'NCPCR/National Commission') under Section 3 and the State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights (hereinafter referred to as 'State Commissions') under Section 17.

We shall deal with their respective functions and powers at a later stage but there can be no manner of doubt that these two Commissions – one at the National Level and the other at the State level – are expected to function in a spirit of cooperation. We expect such Commissions to consult, discuss and cooperate with each other while exercising their powers and fulfilling the powers and fulfilling the duties enjoined upon them by the CPCR Act.

These two institutions are in the nature of siblings. The goal which they both set out to achieve is the same, viz., protecting children from all sorts of abuse, exploitation etc. We see no reason why there should be any disharmony and lack of coordination between these two institutions. This non-cooperation and lack of coordination can only occur when the persons manning the institutions put their own interests over the interest of the children. It is only when those in-charge of such commissions give themselves so much importance that they forget that they are the creation of statute, the only purpose of which is to protect children.

While continuing in the same vein and pooh-poohing the internecine squabble between the Commissions, para 4 then goes on to state that, This case is a classic example where in the fight between the State Commission and the National Commission the children have been, all but forgotten. We are sorry that this Court has to spend its time resolving such disputes. This Court as well as the two major parties litigating before us definitely have better things to do.

To recapitulate, para 5 then goes on to reveal that, From the material on record, it appears that news reports were published some time in February, 2017 indicating that a child-care institution based in Jalpaiguri in West Bengal had indulged in large scale trafficking of children. The NCPCR took cognizance of these reports on 03.03.2017 and two members of the NCPCR went to Jalpaiguri on 07.03.2017.

They requested the State officials to provide them some information which, according to the NCPCR, was not provided. They finally summoned the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Criminal Investigation Department (CID), West Bengal (Respondent no. 1 herein) to appear before the NCPCR. This gentleman, instead of appearing before the NCPCR, chose to file a writ petition challenging the jurisdiction of the NCPCR to summon him. The High Court, by the impugned order dated 29.08.2017, stayed the direction of the NCPCR mainly on the ground that since the State Commission had taken cognizance of the matter on 24.02.2017, the NCPCR had prima facie no jurisdiction.

Going to the root of the matter, para 16 then states that, In the present case, the dispute is who started inquiry first – whether it was the WBCPCR or the National Commission. As far as the National Commission is concerned, there is no dispute that it started its inquiry on 07.03.2017 when its members visited Jalpaiguri to inquire into the matter.

The stand of the National Commission is that they were, for the first time, informed on 24.07.2017 that the State Commission has taken cognizance and is inquiring into the matter even though they had written various letters to the various officials including the District Magistrate and the police officials in this regard. From the list of dates filed by the WBCPCR, it appears that on 12.07.2016 the Director, Child Rights and Trafficking, West Bengal (for short 'the Director, CRT') wrote to the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri seeking a report on the illegal child trafficking there. An inquiry team was formed by the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri on 0912.2016 and a report was sent to the Director, CRT on 11.01.2017.

Thereafter, the Director, CRT passed an order that the Specialised Adoption Agency (for short 'the SAA'), Jalpaiguri is not functioning as per the provisions of Adoption Guidelines, 2015 and the JJ Act and 15 children from the SAA Jalpaiguri, run by the North Bengal People's Development Centre (for short 'the NBPDC') were transferred to other institutions. On 17.01.2017, the Central Adoption Resource Authority (for short 'the CARA') filed a complaint with the CID, West Bengal. On 22.01.2017, a report appeared in local newspaper about this child trafficking racket. On 15.02.2017, a team was constituted by the CID, West Bengal to investigate the complaint made by the CARA. On 16.02.2017, a team of CID, West Bengal went to Jalpaiguri. On 17.02.2017, a letter was allegedly sent by the Chairperson of the WBCPCR to the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri informing that the State Commission had taken cognizance of the report published in the daily newspaper on 22.01.2017. On 19.02.2017, a formal First Information Report (FIR) was registered in the matter.

The report dated 11.01.2017, referred to above, was sent to the WBCPCR on 24.02.2017. Thereafter, news item again appeared on 26.02.2017 and two women officials of the concerned adoption centre were arrested. Admittedly, NCPCR took note of this instance on 03.03.2017 and on 07.03.2017 two members of the NCPCR visited Jalpaiguri to conduct an inquiry.

While rapping the WBCPCR on its knuckles, the Bench of Apex Court then in para 17 minces no words to hold that, We had requested learned counsel appearing for the WBCPCR to provide the file of WBCPCR in relation to this matter, which was provided. After going through the file, all that we can say is that the file is not maintained like an official file. The papers were kept casually. Except for the noting sheet, the other papers were not tagged.

The other papers were also not paginated. In such a file, there can be additions and alterations at any stage. We, therefore, cannot place too much reliance on such a poorly maintained file and direct the WBCPCR to ensure that in future, files, especially of complaints, are maintained in a proper manner. According to the documents which form a part of this file, the WBCPCR took suo motu cognizance of the incident on 30.01.2017 on the basis of the newspapers report dated 22.01.2017. It was stated in the noting sheet that the matter be put up for appropriate action.

Though this note is dated 30.01.2017 and was put up to the Chairperson, WBCPCR, it appears that the Chairperson wrote that she should be reminded after 10 days for follow up action.

The file was again put up before the Chairperson on 13.02.2017. On 14.02.2017 it was ordered that the District Magistrate/District Children Protection Officer (DCPO) may be asked to submit a report. A draft letter was put up which was approved on 16.02.2017 and dispatched on 17.02.2017. The DCPO, Jalpaiguri sent the report through mail dated 24.02.2017.

The matter was again placed before the Chairperson, who directed that the report be kept for records. The next noting on the file is of 15.03.2017. This note of 15.03.2017 has been put up with regard to the visit of the Chairperson and Secretary to Jalpaiguri on 10.03.2017 and 11.03.2017 to assist and monitor the situation after the recent cases of child trafficking.

Though, the visit is dated 10.03.2017 and 11.03.2017, the note is put up on 15.03.2017 and approved on the same date. We are unable to understand why the note for the visit was not put up prior to the visit. We have perused the report prepared by the Chairperson of the WBCPCR and find that the report is more in the nature of allegations against the members of the NCPCR. The report virtually does not deal with the issue relating to trafficking of the children. We shall deal with this report at a later stage.

While continuing in the same vein, it is then pointed out in para 18 that, Even if we accept the record of the WBCPCR to be the gospel truth then also other than using the word 'takes suo motu cognizance' on 30.01.2017, the WBCPCR had taken no steps to inquire into the matter, which is the mandate of Section 13(1)(j) of the CPCR Act, till the visit of its Chairperson on 10.03.2017 and 11.03.2017.

We make it clear that in every case a personal visit is not required but the manner in which this case has been dealt with leaves much to be desired. We see no reason why, if cognizance was taken on 30.01.2017, it was directed that the matter be placed for reminding the Chairperson to take follow up action after 10 days.

These sort of matters brook no delay. Even after the matter was put up, no attempts were made to hold an inquiry. All that was done was to order the District Magistrate/DCPO to submit a report. That report was filed on 24.02.2017 and it was ordered that the report be kept on record. It appears that it is only after the visit of the members of the NCPCR that the WBCPCR actually felt it necessary to itself visit Jalpaiguri and take stock of the situation. How can all this be overlooked?

Moreover, it is then pointed out in para 19 that, As pointed above, as far as NCPCR is concerned, on 03.03.2017 a communication was sent by the NCPCR to the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri wherein he was asked to give specific information with regard to the home in question. Thereafter, on 07.03.2017 two members of the NCPCR visited Jalpaiguri and even if the inquiry did not start on 03.03.2017, it definitely started on 07.03.2017.

It found various deficiencies especially with regard to non-constitution of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) in New Jalpaiguri District from 23.08.2013-28.08.2015. It also found that ad hoc CWC was functioning which is against the provisions of law. Therefore, the NCPCR sent a letter on 16.03.2017 to the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri seeking status of registration of homes, status of CWCs etc.

On 23.03.2017, the NCPCR sent another letter to the District Magistrate specifically asking whether the WBCPCR had commenced an inquiry into the matter before the visit of the members of the NCPCR or after the initiation of the inquiry by the NCPCR. To this, no reply was given by the District Magistrate. Then, the NCPCR summoned the District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri on 12.04.2017 for personal appearance on 25.04.2017. The District Magistrate did not appear but send some information vide communication dated 21.04.2017.

However, in this communication also there is no reply to the specific query as to whether the WBCPCR had initiated an inquiry into the matter. The NCPCR also took no steps for almost two months. On 20.06.2017 the NCPCR sought the following information from the ADGP, CID, West Bengal (respondent no. 1):

  1. In this case, sale of as many as about 17 children has been mentioned in this case, in which children were sold both in the country and abroad. Since this organization has come in existence, how many children have been adopted through this organization, provide list of those to the Commission.
  2. In this case, children were given to Non-Resident Indian and foreign couples both, hence this case seems to be case of international trafficking. Record concerning as to how many children have been given to Non-resident and foreign coupes be made available to the Commission.
  3. According to newspaper, forged papers and papers of National Adoption Authority have been used in this crime in forged manner. Copies of papers seized by CID, statement & list/copies of evidence be made available to the Commission.
  4. List of all the detained/arrested people in this case, copy of First Information Report, copies of all the investigation reports be provided to the Commission. Copy of the statement of detained people.
  5. From the year 2013 to 2015 Child Welfare Committees had not been constituted in District Jalpaiguri in place thereof, Ad hoc Committee had been working. The following-mentioned papers/documents relating to this Committee be made available to the Commission:
  1. Copy of order for constituting ad hoc committee.
  2. People included in the ad hoc committee, list of those with their names, posts/designations be made available to the Commission.
  3. Minutes of the meetings convened by ad hoc Committee during its tenure.
  4. Decisions about how many children were taken by Ad Hoc Committee, copies of all the case files concerning with all those.

If any charge sheet has been filed in court, then copy thereof.

What's more, it is then added in para 20 that, On the same day i.e. 20.06.2017, the District Magistrate, Jaslpaiguri, was also directed by the NCPCR to give information pertaining to the constitution of ad hoc committee and members of the ad hoc committee. That very day another communication was sent by the NCPCR to the Department of Women & Child Development, West Bengal, to initiate an inquiry into the matter and inform the NCPCR about the report of the Government.

According to the NCPCR, no response was received from any of the authorities. Thereafter, another reminder was sent on 13.07.2017. Left with no option, on 20.07.2017, summons were issued to the ADGP, CID, West Bengal to appear before the NCPCR in person on 25.07.2017 along with relevant documents.

A communication was also sent to the Chief Secretary, West Bengal on 22.07.2017 asking for information. The ADGP, CID, West Bengal by letter/fax on 24.07.2017 informed the NCPCR that since WBCPCR has already proceeded with the matter, the NCPCR should stay its hand in the present matter. Meanwhile on 21.07.2017, a report was sent by the CID, West Bengal supplying some information but most of the information was not sent.

Thereafter, the NCPCR issued summons to the ADGP, CID, West Bengal on 14.08.2017 to appear before the NCPCR on 29.08.2017. The ADGP, CID, West Bengal challenged these summons by filing a writ petition in the Calcutta High Court. The Advocate General of the State appeared for Dr. Rajesh Kumar, ADGP, CID, West Bengal. The High Court vide impugned order, prima facie, came to the conclusion that since the WBCPCR had taken cognizance of the matter on 24.02.2017, the NCPCR is denuded of its jurisdiction over the subject. The High Court, accordingly, stayed the summons.

While pooh-poohing the endless tussle which only served to worsen the matters further, para 21 then envisages that, We are constrained to observe that in this clash of egos between the State Commission (WBCPCR) and the National Commission (NPCPCR) for this entire period, other than the police taking action, nothing was done on the administrative side to set matters right.

Of course, it is then acknowledged in para 22 that, The police have acted, a case has been filed, accused have been arrested and we are told that most of the children have been reunited with their parents. We are purposely not commenting on the criminal aspects of the matter. We refrain from doing so because any comment from us may affect the trial of the accused who are entitled to a fair and free trial. In fact, since criminal proceedings in respect to the illegal adoptions had already started, no inquiry could actually be conducted by either of the two Commissions with respect to the same.

However, the National Commission was definitely entitled to inquire as to why proper CWCs had not been constituted and under what orders were ad hoc CWCs functioning. The Commissions can also inquire into the factual aspects which led to the trafficking of the children, though not the actual crime itself. In fact, we are of the view that such inquiries are necessary so that such events do not occur in the future. In case, the CWCs had been properly constituted may be this unfortunate situation would not have arisen.

While castigating the shoddy manner in which the matters were dealt with, it is then stipulated in para 23 that, Though we are of the view that an inquiry into the alleged illegal adoption could not be conducted because a criminal case had already been registered, at the same time, we cannot shut our eyes to the manner in which both the State Commission (WBCPCR), the National Commission (NCPCR) and the senior officials of the State CID have dealt with the matter.

We have already commented on the lack of alacrity on the part of the WBCPCR which purportedly took cognizance of the matter on 30.01.2017 but no effective steps were taken to inquire into the matter till 10.03.2017 except calling for a report. The members of the NCPCR visited Jalpaiguri on 07.03.2017 and have recorded the statement of CWC members.

According to the statements so recorded, one of the accused, who was Secretary of the NBPDC which was running the concerned SAA, prayed for certificates for 20 children to be declared legally fit for adoption whom they placed before Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) without Legally Fit for Adoption (LFA) Certificates from CWC, Jalpaiguri. According to the statements, the members of the CWC were shocked that the legal procedure had not been followed.

According to these members, they complained to the various officials but they were compelled to give certificates that the children were legally fit for adoption. In the absence of the parties who have made the statements, we would not like to make any further comment except to state that if any member of a CWC can be compelled or pressurized to give such a certificate then that member has no business of ever being appointed as member of CWC or in any capacity in a child rights institution.

More significantly, it is then underscored in para 37 that, As clearly held by us above, both the Commissions have to work for the best interest of the children in a spirit of cooperation. Unfortunately, in this case, there has been no cooperation rather mudslinging at each other. We would like to reiterate and re-emphasise that there are no jurisdictional issues involved.

Be it noted, it is then held in para 38 that, In view of the above, we are clearly of the view that Dr. Rajesh Kumar should have furnished the information which appears to now have been furnished by the State authorities. If such information has not been furnished, the present incumbent holding the post of ADGP, CID, West Bengal is directed to furnish the information to the National Commission as well as to Juvenile Justice Committee of the High Court of Calcutta within 15 days from the date of receipt of certified copy of this judgment. The counsel for the State of West Bengal shall inform the present Additional Director General of Police, Criminal Investigation Department, West Bengal of these directions.

Most significantly, it is then held in para 39 that, As is evident from the facts narrated above, both the State Commission (WBCPCR) and the National Commission have been woefully lax in the matter.

Hence we direct that other than the issues which form part of the criminal case, all other matter relating to the issue in hand and larger issues of appointment of CWCs and heads of CWCs, not only as far as this case is concerned, but also for the entire State of West Bengal, should be monitored by the High Court of Calcutta, preferably by a Bench headed by the Chairperson of the Juvenile Justice Committee of the High Court of Calcutta in a public interest litigation.

In furtherance of these directions, we direct the Registry of this Court to send a copy of this judgment to the Registrar General of the Calcutta High Court, who shall place the same before the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the High Court for constitution of an appropriate Bench. We request the Bench so constituted to deal with the matter as per the urgency involved and if required, to establish a fool proof mechanism so that such occurrences do not take place in future.

On a concluding note, the Bench rightly slammed the clash of egos between the State Commission (WBCPCR) and the National Commission (NCPCR) as also the woefully lax approach of them. No doubt, it also very rightly after examining the records concluded that NCPCR had started inquiry before the State Commission (WBCPCR) got involved in this. It also further passed the right directions as mentioned in para 39! No denying or disputing it!

Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate,
s/o Col BPS Sirohi, A 82, Defence Enclave,
Sardhana Road, Kankerkhera, Meerut – 250001

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Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate
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