I bring you greetings from South Africa. On this day (l 8 July 2018), many people are spending time engaged in activities that honour Nelson Mandela that will make an impact in peoples lives.
 As a Member of Parliament, I am equally honoured that we, as the Parliament of South Africa, are hosting young people in partnership with Nelson Mandela Children's Fund in hosting a Youth Summit which is currently in progress. This Summit is part of the annual activities of our Parliament in which we listen to our children and young people on what their views are about our works as public representatives. They choose their Presiding Officers and run the Parliament on this day by themselves.
 So. today I am privileged that l am with you today as young leaders of Kenya to reflect together on the life of late President. Nelson Mandela. Tata Nelson Mandela believed that the mirror in which a society can be seen is the way in which it treats its children. To quote him verbatim. he said: “There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. "He also said: “Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation. "’ Today. you have spoken to us and we have listened. We have heard your dreams, your aspirations and your concerns. We also heard your commitment on what you Will do as pan of your contribution to build a better world. Like Mandela, ours will be to create an enabling environment in which you can turn your dreams into visions arid ensure that your vision of a better world becomes a reality.
 Mandela was a child like you Born of the Mandela Clan, amongst the nation of Abathembu, he was shaped by the history of his people. At the age of twelve. when he heard the elders tell of the stories of his ancestors’ valour during the wars of resistance. he dreamt of making his own contribution to the treedom struggle of his people. As he grew up, he experienced the challenges of his own people. he understood their pain and committed himself to do something to change the course of history. and became a freedom tighter tor his people and the oppressed people of the world.
 To further his childhood dream, heroine the African National Congress and spent his entire life as a member working for the liberation of our country. It is this movement through its policies and values that shaped Madiba and many of his comrades before him and atrer to be the person we all celebrate today.
 In reflecting on his life. there are tew things that came to my mind. These are issues that in my young age and adult light, l have continued to grapple with. How was Mandela childhood life. he did it contribute to the Mandela we later got to know? What moved him to sacrifice his all for humanity and be prepared to lay down his life it it was necessary Where did he find the strength to forgive and work tor peace even attar his almost lifelong imprisonment’? What can as a collective do to create a better life for all our people inspired by the life of Mandela and those of his generation.?
 Education during his early life Born in the Royal Household with a possibility of being a traditional leader, one could say he was privileged. But, growing up in that household, exposed him to life and conditions of his people. At an early age he was educated orally about his traditions, the history of his own ancestors and their contribution to the struggle to our freedom.
 Today in our reflections we need to reflect how we can utilise education acquired in our homes, society and schools to change the lives of communities. in his last speech at the United Nations General Assembly, at its celebration of the 5O years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Mandela had this to say: “For those who had to fight for their emancipation, such as ourselves who, with your help, had to free ourselves from the criminal/ apartheid system, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights served as the vindication of the justice of our cause. At the same time, it constituted a challenge to us that our freedom once achieved should be dedicated to the implementation of the perspectives Contained in the Declaration.
Advocate for Human Rights: Tribute to Nelson Mandela
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Health Care Law
Thu, Feb 21, 19, 12:40, 6 Years ago
comments: 2 - hits: 17911
This Summit is part ot the annual activities ot our Parliament in which we listen to our children and young people on what theirviews are about our works as public representatives. They choose their Presiding Otticers and run the Parliament on this day by themselves.
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