Legal view of the will and property sharing

anandhi asked
My grandfather and grandmother have four sons and a daughter. They owned properties individually and written a will in 1973 dividing the properties among their legal heirs. The will states that it will come in to force after their death and in case of one per-diseases the other, the surviving person will be the owner of the properties till his/her death. The will can be cancelled or modified during their life period. My grandmother passed away in 1982. Afterwards my grandfather constructed an up-stair portion in one of the properties. Obviously, this has no mention in the earlier will written in 1973. So, grandfather had written another will, registered in 1990 by distributed the four portions in the upstairs to four sons. He passed away in 1991. In 1991, after the fathers demise the four sons mutually consented and agreed upon to exchange their portions through a notorised document. This was not registered. All the four brothers passed away. However, during their lifetime, they enjoy
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