Civil Appeal no. 3996 OF 2006 (With C.A.No.4268 of 2006 & C.A.No.4529 of
H.K. Sema, J.
Civil Appeal No.3996 of 2006 is
filed by Chhattisgarh Vidyut Mandal Abhiyanta Sangh. Civil Appeal
No.4268 of 2006 is filed by Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board and
Civil Appeal No.4529 of 2006 is filed by M/s Jindal Steel and Power
2. All these appeals are directed
against the common judgment and order of the Tribunal dated 11.5.2006
passed in Appeal Nos. 179 of 2005, 188 of 2005, 16 of 2006 and 27 of
2006 preferred under Section 111 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (in short
the Act). In the aforesaid appeals, the appellants have challenged the
order dated 29.11.2005 passed by the Chhattisgarh State Electricity
Regulatory Commission (in short the Commission)
3. We have heard Mr. Ravi Shankar
Prasad, learned senior counsel, appearing on behalf of Chhattisgarh
State Electricity Board - appellant in C.A.No.4268 of 2006; Mr. Shanti
Bhushan, learned senior counsel, appearing on behalf of M/s Jindal Steel
and Power Limited appellant in C.A.No.4529 of 2006 and Mr. Kavin Gulati,
learned counsel appearing on behalf of Chhattisgarh Vidyut Mandal
Abhiyanta Sangh appellant in C.A.No. 3996 of 2006.
4. Counsel for the appellant in
C.A.No.3996 of 2006 has adopted the arguments of Mr. Ravi Shankar
Prasad, learned senior counsel, appearing for the appellant in
C.A.No.4268 of 2006.
5. In C.A.No.4268 of 2006, the
appellant has assailed the order dated 29.11.2005 passed by the
Commission, granting license in favour of respondent No.2 herein and the
appellant in C.A.No.4529 of 2006.
6. Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, learned
senior counsel appearing for the appellant, would contend that the
impugned order of the Commission granting license to respondent No.2 -
M/s Jindal Steel and Power Limited, is contrary to the provisions of
Section 14 particularly proviso 6 of the Section. He would also contend
that the grant of license is contrary to Section 43, the National
Electricity Policy framed under Section 3 particularly 5.4.7. which
according to the counsel is statutory in character and sub-rule 2 of
Rule 3 of the Code of Conduct Rules, 2005 and explanation thereof. He
would also ontend that the grant of license in favour of respondent No.2
would also offend the provisions of Section 41 proviso 3 and Section
86(4) of the Act. In this connection, counsel has taken us to the
grounds taken in the memo of appeal filed by the appellant. He has also
taken us to the entire impugned judgment rendered by the Tribunal. The
Tribunal has not at all dealt with the grounds urged by the appellant in
the judgment. The Tribunal, however, rejected the grounds in paragraph
38 as under:
"Taking up the fourth point, Concedingly after coming into force of The
Electricity Act 2003 the Jindal Power has submitted an application for
grant of distribution license under Section 12 of the Act. Section 14 of
the Act provides for the grant of license. Section 15 of the Act
prescribes procedure for grant of license. Though the Electricity Board
has raised an objection, it is a clear after thought presumably because
of change or shifting of personalities in power, and such shifting stand
had been adopted. The objections raised by Electricity Board are devoid
of merits. The Regulatory Commission has considered the request of
Jindal Power and directed issue of distribution license. We do not find
any illegality or error in the grant of license as Jindal Power do
possess all the requirements for the grant."
7. M/s Jindal Steel and Power Limited - appellant in C.A.No.4529 of
2006, was aggrieved by the order of the Commission recorded in paragraph
22 of the Order.
Paragraph 22 of the Order is in the
following terms:-
"The last issue for discussion is the treatment of the period from
1.4.04 till the date of the grant of distribution licence, during which
supply of power by the applicant has been without legal authority. As
already discussed in para 11 to 13 ante, the applicant did not have the
necessary legal authority either under the 1910 Act or under the present
Act to supply electricity in his industrial estate. This constitutes a
clear contravention of the provisions of Sec.12 of the Act that mandates
licence to be obtained for supply of electricity. This act of the
applicant is punishable under Sec.142 of the Act. The applicant is
clearly liable for penalty under this provision of law.
Although no opportunity has
specifically been provided to the applicant of being heard in this
regard as required and the provision of this section, the elaborate
proceedings in this case has provided sufficient opportunity to the
applicant to prove that he had not contravened the provision of the Act,
in supply of power to his industrial estate. In fact, his main case is
that he had the legal authority for his action, which we have not
accepted. The Commission, therefore, feels that there is no need for
another opportunity being given to the applicant of being heard in the
matter. The Commission directs that the applicant pay a penalty of Rs.
One lakh for contravention of the provisions of the Act aforementioned.
The amount shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Commission
within seven days of this order."
8. Aggrieved by this order M/s Jindal Steel and Power Limited appellant
in C.A.No.4529 of 2006 also filed appeal No.27 of 2006 before the
9. The ground taken in the appeal
was that Jindal Power does not require the license for supply of
electricity as in terms of Section 10(2) of the Act as a generating
company, it is competent to supply electricity to any person without
using the transmission lines of the Electricity Board. After considering
the ground of appeal, the Tribunal framed the following issues:-
1. Whether Jindal Power was licensed to distribute electricity at any
time? Without securing a license is it permissible for Jindal Power to
distribute Power?
2. Whether Jindal Power could claim that it is a deemed licensee
entitled to distribute power after coming into force of The Electricity
Act, 2003?
10. Mr. Shanti Bhushan, learned senior counsel, has taken us through the
entire judgment of the Tribunal but the questions so framed were not at
all addressed particularly the application of Section 10(2) of the Act.
11. It is in these circumstances,
learned senior counsels, appearing for the respective appellants,
contended that this is eminently a fit case where this Court should set
aside the order of the Tribunal and the matter be remitted to the
Tribunal for fresh decision after considering all the grounds raised in
the respective appeals. In the facts as alluded above we would also
think so.
12. We may also hasten to note that the appeal under Section 111 before
the Tribunal is in the nature of first appeal. The Tribunal, therefore,
must examine the entire grounds of appeal and record its reasons on each
ground while disposing of the appeal.
13. Accordingly, these appeals are
allowed. The order dated 11.5.2006 passed in appeals are set aside. The
appeals are restored to the file of the Tribunal. The Tribunal shall
consider each ground in appeals and dispose of the appeals in accordance
with law. We make it clear that we have not expressed any opinion on the
merit of the case whatsoever. 14. Having regard the question of public
importance of far reaching consequences involved in these appeals, the
Chairman of the Tribunal may consider for constituting an appropriate
bench for hearing the appeals. With the aforesaid
directions/observations these appeals are allowed. No costs.
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