[Arising out of SLP (C) No.16751 of 2004) WITH CIVIL APPEAL NO. 247 OF
2007 [Arising out of SLP (C) No.23389-90 of 2004)
Dalveer Bhandari, J. - Leave granted
In a public interest litigation
instituted under Article
226 of the Constitution, the High Court of Rajasthan at
Jodhpur, by the impugned judgment, has directed that the
milk dairies located in the city of Jodhpur be shifted from
their present location to alternative sites. These appeals by
grant of special leave are preferred against the said
judgment and order dated 12th July, 2004 of the High Court
passed in D.B. Civil Misc. Writ Petition No.4409 of 1994.
Both these appeals are inter-connected and are
arising out of a common judgment, therefore, we would
refer to the facts as mentioned in Civil Appeal No. 246 of
2007 arising out of SLP (C) No.16751 of 2004.
The appellant-Milkmen Colony Vikas Samiti is an
association of milkmen engaged in the business of selling
milk and milk products in the city of Jodhpur
(Rajasthan) for the last 44 years. The Government of
Rajasthan vide Notification No.F.1 LSG/56 dated
5.11.1956 introduced a scheme, namely, 'Masuriya
Colony Scheme', under which the members of the
appellant Samiti and other milkmen, who were carrying
on business of selling milk and milk products, were
allotted plots of land in the city of Jodhpur @ Rs.2/- per
sq. yards. In all, 332 plots were allotted by the
Government under the said scheme to different milkmen
for developing dairies. Since 1956, the said milkmen
have been carrying their business of selling milk and
milk products in the above colony. The said colony was
duly conceived and planned as a milkmen colony by the
Urban Improvement Trust, Jodhpur with the approval of
the State Government.
It is stated that the owners of the bovine animals, in
the city of Jodhpur, after milching the bovine animals
were turning them out of dairies so that they could eat
whatever was available on the roads. The stray cattle
including the cows, bulls, dogs etc. freely roam in the city
of Jodhpur and in the porch of the Mahatma Gandhi
Hospital, the principal government hospital in the city.
It is further stated that the excreta of these animals was
also visible all over, even in the corridors of the High
Court. This totally unhygienic, unhealthy and injurious
practice was creating considerable nuisance to the
citizens of the city of Jodhpur.
The citizens of the City, being aggrieved by the said
nuisance caused by the stray cattle and dogs, filed a
petition in public interest in the High Court of Rajasthan
at Jodhpur through the Rajasthan Chapter of Indian
Association of Lawyers, respondent no.4 herein,
associated with the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers established in 1946 and in
consultative status with UN Economic and Social
Council, UNESCO and UNICEF.
In the instant petition, it was stated that stray
animals, such as, bulls, dogs and cattle were roaming all
around inside and outside the city freely. Cattle were
found loitering and squatting on the roads of Jodhpur
City and that they were causing danger to human life
and were creating a traffic hazard. It is stated in the
petition that the entire city was full of dirt, refuge and
was stinking beyond all limits and that the excreta of
stray cattle was a breeding ground for various diseases.
Drains were clogged and sewerage water was getting
mixed up with the drinking water spreading many
diseases. These unhygienic and unhealthy prevalent
conditions are adversely affecting the quality of life of the
residents living in the city of Jodhpur and thereby
impinging upon their constitutional rights enshrined
under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. In the writ
petition, following reliefs were prayed:
1. To direct the respondent Jodhpur
Municipal Corporation and the Urban
Improvement Trust to take steps to
ensure that animals and cattle do not
inhibit roads and public places and make
proper arrangement in this behalf;
2. In order to oversee that all this is done, to
appoint a Committee constituting of
eminent citizens authorizing such
Committee to see:
(i) that the direction aforesaid are given
effect to;
(ii) to receive complaints from the
people; and
(iii) make appropriate directions to meet
genuine grievances; and
(iv) the respondents be directed to
comply with the direction of the
aforesaid committee in this behalf;
(v) to take immediate steps to make city
clean, revamp sewerage system;
(vi) For above purposes, if necessary,
the State Government be directed to
make funds available to respondent
Municipal Corporation.
It was stated before the High Court that with the passage
of time, Jodhpur City became very dense and, therefore,
it was necessary to eliminate the menace of stray animals
from the roads of the city of Jodhpur. It was also urged
before the High Court that the milkmen colony when
devised was more or less outside the city but now it is in
the heart of the city because of expansion of the City.
The main cause of expansion has been unchecked growth
in the population. Therefore, a direction was sought to
relocate the dairies out of the city of Jodhpur.
The High Court entertained the writ petition and,
looking to the seriousness of the matter, issued certain
directions, vide its order dated 23.1.2003, which are
reproduced hereinbelow:
(i) The Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur
shall make every endeavour to shift
dairies from the city and have them
relocated with the assistance of the State
to the outskirts and periphery of the city
or beyond the city limits.
(ii) The Municipal Corporation shall relocate
stray cattle from the roads to Gaushalas
or institutions made for providing shelter
to stray cattle including the institutions
at Pawapuri.
(iii) For the removal of stray cattle, bulls and
dogs from the roads and for their
relocation to shelter etc. the Municipal
Corporation shall press into service
sufficient number of persons and vehicles
for impounding and relocating animals.
(iv) Cattle and animals located in Jodhpur
City shall have a tag number tied around
their necks. The tag numbers should be
indicative of the name and address of the
person to whom the animal belongs so
that there will be no difficulty in tracing
their owners. This direction shall be
carried out by the person(s) owning the
cattle and animal(s). The enforcement of
the condition shall be made by the civil
(v) Prosecutions should be launched under
the various penal provisions against the
owners of such cattle and animals which
are found on the streets and roads
(vi) The Municipal Corporation shall employ
sufficient number of persons to catch
stray cattle and animals found on the
roads and streets. Once they are caught,
they shall be impounded and may be
released to owners on pay of fine of
Rs.500/- each and subject to other
directions mentioned herein.
(vii) The vehicles which are used for carrying
impounded cattle and animals shall be
fitted with ramps in order to avoid the
chances of injury to them.
(viii) The transit and handling of the stray
cattle and animals will be in conformity
with the laws providing for their safety
and prevention of injuries to them
including Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Act, 1960.
(ix) Electric supply to unauthorized dairies
which are operating in the city shall be
disconnected with immediate effect.
(x) The direction of serial No.
(ix) above shall
also be applicable to the organized and
unauthorized dairies located within the
city in the event of their failure to shift
out of the city within the time allowed to
them by this order. The place to which
such dairies are to be shifted shall be
earmarked by the competent authority
within three weeks.
(xi) The Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur
shall file statements detailing the fine(s)
collected by it in terms of directions given
at serial no. (vi) above.
(xii) The roads of Jodhpur City shall be made
free of stray cattle bulls and roaming
animals by 31st March 2003.
(xiii) Periodical progress report shall be
submitted by the Municipal Corporation
by 15th of each calendar month.
(xiv) The State Government shall assist the
Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur in
securing the implementation of the
aforesaid directions. This will include
financial assistance, which would be
required by the Municipal Corporation of
Jodhpur to carry out the directions
contained in this order effectively.
(xv) The Chief Execution Officer of the
Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur shall
nominate two officers, who shall be
responsible for carrying out the directions
of this Court.
The aforesaid directions will not only bind
the Municipal Corporation of Jodhpur, its
functionaries and officers nominated by the
Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Corporation,
but it shall also be equally binding on the
State Government and its functionaries and
electric supply companies. Needless to say
that failure on the part of the concerned
authorities and functionaries shall be
actionable under Article 215 of the
Constitution and the Contempt of Courts Act,
The aforesaid petition again came for consideration
before the High Court on 06.1.2004. On that day, the
Court found that the Collector, Jodhpur had complied
with the orders and allotted 2500 bighas of land to the
Urban Improvement Trust for the purpose of shifting
dairies from the city of Jodhpur. The State Government
had also made a sum of Rs.50,00,000/- available to the
Municipal Corporation to meet the expenses of (i)
catching the stray cattle; (ii) for their transportation; and
(iii) for purchase of fodder for the stray cattle. The
Collector further made 500 bighas of land available to the
Municipal Corporation in Kali Beri, Soor Sagar, Jodhpur
for creation of a pond. The Court further issued the
following directions:
"We direct that dairy owners/operators who
were allotted the land in the Milkmen Colony
at Pal Road or who are now operating within
the city limits should be shifted to the new
area which has been made available by the
Collector to the Urban Improvement Trust.
For this purpose, the Urban Improvement
Trust shall provide 30 days to the dairy
operators to apply for allotment of lands in the
new area. The dairy operators shall deposit
the requisite amount with the Urban
Improvement Trust for allotment of lands in
the new area. In case, the dairy operators do
not deposit the amount within the aforesaid 30
days, their dairies will be sealed by the
Municipal Corporation and the bovine animals
shall be impounded.
The Municipal Corporation is also
directed to develop the pond in Kali Beri, Soor
Sagar, Jodhpur within a period of two months
from today. 75% of the requisite funds for
development of the pond shall be allocated by
the State Government."
On 10.2.2004, the High Court again heard the
above matter when the appellant Samiti herein was
allowed to intervene in the matter being a necessary
party. The learned counsel for the Samiti stated that the
milkmen colony was being shifted to Barli, which was a
hilly area and which was not a suitable place for bovine
animals. However, the High Court rejected this
contention of the learned counsel for the Samiti by
observing as under:
"We are told by the counsel for the
respondents that the area in question has
been selected after the experts had opined that
the land is suitable for the purpose of
establishing the milkmen colony. In the
circumstances, therefore, we will not permit
attempts on the part of certain persons to stifle
our order. The milkmen and dairy owners
must shift to Barli and subsequently in case, it
is found that there are some practical
difficulties for them only in that event the
Collector can be asked to allot some other land
to them. It appears that there are a large
number of milkmen and they are entrenched
in city. It is surprising that after milching the
bovine animals, the dairy owners turn them
out so that they can eat whatsoever is
available on the roads. Bovine animals in
order to satisfy their hunger even consume
plastics. Once plastic goes in their systems, it
causes severe harm to them and some of them
even die. But this is not the concern of the
dairy owners. Though people consider cow as
mother yet the treatment which is meted out to
it is extremely harsh and cruel. There is no
justification whatsoever for the diary owners
not to shift from the city to the designate
(Emphasis supplied)
After passing the above order, the High Court
adjourned the matter to 11th March, 2004, on which
date, the learned counsel appearing for Municipal
Corporation and the learned counsel appearing for
milkmen made their statements. The order dated 11th
March, 2004 reads thus:
"Learned counsel appearing for the Municipal
Corporation says that pond is being created at
Kali Beri within a period of six weeks. Learned
counsel appearing for the Milkmen says that
the entire Milkmen community will shift on
their own to another site. He says that his
clients undertake to comply with the order
passed by this Court and shift from the
present site within two weeks. In case, the
Milkmen do not comply with the undertaking,
the Municipal Corporation shall in compliance
of the order seize the dairies."
The aforesaid matter once again came for hearing
before the High Court on 14.5.2004. On that day, the
learned counsel appearing for the respondents sought
some time so as to enable them to make arrangement for
preventing the cattle and bulls from moving on roads.
They undertook to do the following exercise:
"(i) all the bovine animals in Jodhpur shall
have the tags in consonance with the
directions issued by the Court;
(ii) the work for construction of wall around
the milkmen colony shall be started in
right earnest;
(iii) that no bovine animals including bulls
shall be seen on the roads as the same
shall be caught by the milkmen and
handed over to the Municipal
Having regard to the submissions of the learned
counsel, the High Court granted 10 days time to the
milkmen for doing the needful. The High Court
constituted a monitoring committee to evaluate the
progress made by the milkmen in preventing the animals
from moving on the roads.
Finally, the aforesaid matter came up for hearing
before the High Court on 12th July 2004, when the High
Court passed the impugned order:
"We find that the order dated 14th May, 2004
has not been complied with. The milkmen
were provided sufficient opportunity to shift
from the city area as the bovine animals are
creating nuisance in the city.
The District Magistrate is directed to see
that the public nuisance caused by the stray
animals is removed and the bovine animals are
shifted outside the city limits in consonance
with the order dated 6.1.2004. The District
Magistrate shall file a compliance report within
two weeks. The Municipal Corporation shall
assist the District Magistrate in effecting the
compliance of the order.
The Municipal Corporation and the U.I.T.
shall be duty bound to construct a pond and
provide necessary facilities to the milkmen
shifting to Barli."
Being aggrieved by the aforesaid order, these
appeals have been preferred before this Court.
In the appeals before this Court, certain issues have
been raised. The learned counsel appearing for the
appellant urged that the High Court was not justified in
issuing directions to evict milkmen from the land, which
was allotted to them by the Government for the purpose
of milk dairies after accepting allotment charges; that,
the High Court was not justified in passing an order of
eviction of milkmen from the land, without following the
procedure established by law i.e. under the Land
Acquisition Act or Public Premises Act; that, the High
Court was not justified in not appreciating the fact that
the land allotted for shifting of cattle and bulls of the
milkmen was located in a hilly area and no rehabilitation
facilities were provided by the authorities to facilitate the
shifting of the cattle; and that, the High Court erred in
not considering the fact that the Committee set up for
monitoring the progress made by the milkmen for
preventing their cattle from coming to the roads had
failed to appreciate the genuine problems of shifting the
animals, especially in terms of the report of the specialist
that Barli was a hilly area and cows and other animals
would not be able to survive. It was further argued that
the milkmen were ready to shift out of milkmen colony if
some suitable area was earmarked for them, where the
land was not rocky and water was sufficiently available
for their cattle. If such suitable site was allotted to them,
they would move to that place within such reasonable
time as may be granted by this Court. They would also
deposit the amount as per the directions of this Court.
The learned counsel for the appellants urged that that
the State Government may be directed to allot suitable
land located at some other place in Jodhpur City like in
Salawas, Old Pali Road in place of Barli.
The learned counsel appearing on behalf of the
State of Rajasthan stated that the order passed by the
High Court was just and fair and the same had been
passed after carefully appreciating all the circumstances
and interest of all sections of the residents of Jodhpur.
The milkmen were provided sufficient opportunity to shift
from the city of Jodhpur. It was stated that the members
of the appellant Samiti were allotted plots at nominal
rates for construction of milk dairies way back in 1956.
There was a condition in the letter of allotment that the
allottees shall carry out constructions according to the
type design issued to them. However, no construction in
accordance with the type design was carried out by the
milkmen. Most of the milkmen had constructed houses
and shops in the plots meant for milk dairies. The
milkmen were leaving their cattle stray on the roads,
which were leading to public nuisance, accidents etc. It
was further argued that a bare perusal of the various
orders passed by the High Court would make it clear that sufficient
opportunities were granted to the milkmen to
shift from the city of Jodhpur and a specific undertaking
was also given on their behalf before the High Court that
they would shift from the city of Jodhpur within a
specific period. However, they neither shifted from the
area nor deposited the requisite amount with the
Government. On the other hand, the Government had
already developed a pond at the site as per directions of
the High Court. The plea of the appellant Samiti was
without any basis that the land could not be developed so
The learned counsel for the State further drew our
attention towards the public notice dated 20.7.2004
issued by the Office of Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur
and notification dated 23.7.2004 issued by Urban
Improvement Trust, Jodhpur, which read as under:
"Office of Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur.
No. Writ/Stray Cattle/04/S.P.3
Dated: 20.7.2004
In the Hon'ble High Court of Rajasthan at
Jodhpur, a Writ Petition No. 4409/94 relating
to stray cattle is pending for consideration. In
this writ petition, the Hon'ble High Court has
passed the orders from time to time in which it
has found that in Jodhpur city on roads, ways
in colonies, bastis etc., the cattle wander in
stray condition. In this connection, the
Hon'ble High Court has given orders to the
Town Development Trust that in the city for
cattle dairies in Barli area plots should be
allotted in which the cattle dairies which are at
present in city should be shifted in that area.
For this purpose, the owner of the cattle
should get the certificate of owner of the
cattle/guardian of the cattle and then an
application should be submitted for allotment
of plot by these persons in the Town
Development Trust. Some persons have given
such applications for allotment of plot and out
of them the plots have been allotted by the
trust on 6.1.2004. The Hon'ble High Court has
passed the orders to shift the dairy owners
who are in the city at present and also to apply
for allotment of plots by giving application to
the Town Development Trust. This order has
been issued to the corporation that those
cattle owners who are not shifting their dairies
out of the city should be sealed. The Hon'ble
High Court on 12.7.2004 has passed the order
that all the owners of the animal husbandry
should be transferred out of the city.
Therefore, it is requested to all the cattle
owners that they should transfer/shift their
animals within 7 days from the receipt of this
notice out of the boundary of Municipal
Corporation failing which the proceedings with
the help of District Administration to
transfer/shift their animals outside the
boundary of corporation and expenses to be
recovered from the owners of the animals. The
proceedings for contempt of court order shall
also be started against them.
Sd/- Chief Executive Officer
Municipal Corporation, Jodhpur"
"Office of Urban Improvement Trust, Jodhpur.
No. 1348
Dated: 23.7.2004
It is informed to all the animal husbandry
holders that in the implementation of the
Hon'ble High Court order the scheme has been
prepared by the trust which is in New/Nai
Milkmen colony at village Barli in Kharas
No.88, for which the application form should
be filled after obtaining from the trust office
within 7 days. These forms should be
submitted in the office of the trust for which
the proceedings of the distribution of plots
shall be started for the animal husbandry
holders. The terms and conditions of the
allotment of the plots are given as below.
1. The certificate of animal husbandry of the
applicant, which should be certified by
the corporation of Jodhpur and it is
necessary that this certificate should be
attached with the application form.
2. The demand draft of Rs.1000/- (One
Thousand Rupees) as an earnest money
should be attached in the name of
Secretary, Town Development Trust,
3. The whole amount should be deposited
after obtaining the order of the allotment
of the plot within 30 days. An allotment
will be done at the reserved rate.
4. In this scheme, the cancellation of the
corner plots will not be done. The
execution rules of 1974 of Rajasthan
Town Development will be applied on the
5. The use of the allotted plot will be done
only for animal husbandry and the work
regarding transferring the animal
husbandry should be started as early as
possible in his allotted plot by the
Sd/- Secretary
Town Development Trust, Jodhpur"
In the background of the above notifications, the learned
counsel appearing for the State stated that the
respondent State Government had complied with the
orders of the High Court. The members of the appellant
Samiti were not complying with the orders of the High
Court and, therefore, no interference was called for in the
impugned orders of the High Court.
Respondent No.4, Rajasthan Chapter of Indian
Association of Lawyers, who filed the writ petition in the
High Court, also sought dismissal of the present appeals
on the ground that the appellant Samiti itself chose to
undertake before the High Court that the milkmen were
willing to shift their dairies from the milkmen colony and
that for this purpose, the milkmen repeatedly sought
time from the High Court. The High Court found the
milkmen resiling from their undertakings that they were
ready to shift from the city of Jodhpur and thereafter the
High Court issued certain directions to the Government
to comply with its earlier orders regarding shifting of milk
dairies from the city of Jodhpur. It was only after these
directions that the milkmen have come to this Court. It
was further argued that the High Court had nowhere said
that the milkmen would be deprived of the plots allotted
to them. Only the dairies had been directed to be shifted
out of the city of Jodhpur. The High Court never gave
any direction affecting ownership of the plots of the
milkmen in the milkmen colony, which now fall in the
heart of the city after expansion. The High Court's
directions are based on larger public interest and
protection of clean and healthy environment.In Virender Gaur & Others v. State of Haryana
& Others reported in (1995) 2 SCC 577, referring to
principle No.1 of Stockholm Declaration of United
Nations on Human Environment, 1972, this Court
observed that right to have living atmosphere congenial
to human existence is a right to life. The State has a
duty in that behalf and to shed its extravagant unbridled
sovereign power and to forge in its policy to maintain
ecological balance and hygienic environment. Where in
the Zonal plan, a land is marked out and reserved for
park or recreational purpose, it cannot be allotted for
building purpose though housing is a public purpose.
Further, it was observed that though the Government
has power to give directions, that power should be used
only to effectuate and further goals of the approved
scheme, Zonal plans etc. and the land vested under the
Scheme or reserved under the plan would not be directed
to be used for any other public purposes within the area
envisaged thereunder.
While it is true that the High Court has directed the
relocation of the milk dairies from the city of Jodhpur on
the grounds mentioned above and the same may cause
some inconvenience to a set of people of the Society but
the sole aim, object and spirit of the order was to meet
the community need. Clean surroundings lead to
healthy body and healthy mind. The public interest has
to be understood and interpreted in the light of the entire
scheme, purpose and object of the enactment. The
hazard to health and environment of not only the persons
residing in the illegal colonization area but of the entire
town as well as the provision and scheme of the Act have
to be taken into consideration. [See: Administrator,
Nagar Palika v. Bharat & Others reported in (2001) 9
SCC 232].
From the facts set out above and on hearing the
rival contentions of the parties, avowedly, the menace by
stray cattle has grown without any check from the
authorities in the city of Jodhpur. The plots meant for
developing milk dairies have become large commercial
houses. The manner in which such large-scale violations
continue leaves no doubt that it was not possible without
the connivance of those who are required to ensure
compliance with law and the reasons are obvious. Such
activities result in putting extra load on the
infrastructure. The entire planning has gone haywire.
The law-abiders are sufferers. All this has happened at
the cost of the health and decent living of the residents of
the city violating their constitutional rights enshrined
under Article 21 of the Constitution. The Government
and its agencies have been negligent in discharging of
their functions and obligations. Inaction by the
Government amounts to indirectly permitting
unauthorized use which amounts to the amendment of
the master plan without following due procedure. [See:
M.C. Mehta v. Union of India & Others reported in
(2004) 6 SCC 588].
In State of Gujarat v. Mirzapur Moti Kureshi
Kassab Jamat & Others reported in (2005) 8 SCC 534,
this Court held as under:
"176. The court should guard zealously
Fundamental Rights guaranteed to the citizens
of the society, but at the same time strike a
balance between the Fundamental Rights and
the larger interests of the society. But when
such right clashes with the larger interest of
the country it must yield to the latter.
Therefore, wherever any enactment is made for
advancement of Directive Principles and it
runs counter to the Fundamental Rights an
attempt should be made to harmonise the
same if it promotes larger public interest."
In Milk Producers Association, Orissa & Others
v. State of Orissa & Others reported in (2006) 3 SCC
229, this Court considered the question of town planning
and removal of encroachment by the milk dairies. In
that case, this Court considered the law as laid down by
this Court in its earlier decisions. The relevant para is
quoted as under:
"17. The question came up for
consideration, in Friends Colony Development Committee v. State of
Orissa reported in (2004) 8 SCC 733, wherein this Court observed:
" The individuals as property owners have to pay some price for securing
peace, good order, dignity, protection and comfort and safety of the
community. Not only filth, stench and unhealthy places have to be
eliminated, but the layout helps in achieving family values, youth
values, seclusion and clean air to make the locality a better place to
live. Building regulations also help in reduction or elimination of fire
hazards, the avoidance of traffic dangers and the lessening of
prevention of traffic congestion in the streets and roads. Zoning and
building regulations are also legitimised from the point of view of the
control of community development, the prevention of overcrowding of
land, the furnishing of recreational facilities like parks and
playgrounds and the availability of adequate water, sewerage and other
governmental or utility services."
On careful consideration of the arguments advanced on behalf of the
parties and the case law as discussed above, we are of the opinion that
the High Court was fully justified in entertaining the writ petition
filed in public interest. The High Court rightly opined that it is the
dire need of the city of Jodhpur to relocate the milk dairies which were
creating nuisance for the citizens of the city of Jodhpur. We do not
find any illegality in the directions of the High Court particularly
when the High Court did not give any directions affecting their
ownership of the existing plots though these plots of land were allotted
to them on a highly concession rate (Rs.2 per square yard) for a
definite purpose and majority of the milkmen did not use the land for
the purpose it was allotted to them.
Now what remains to be dealt with is the plea raised by the appellants
regarding relocation of the milk dairies on any site other than Barli.
We are of the opinion that the appellant Samiti cannot take this plea at
a belated stage. The milkmen have already undertaken before the High
Court to shift at the place earmarked by the Government of Rajasthan and
have sought more time for the said purpose. Even the extended period for
shifting has lapsed a long time ago. The Government of Rajasthan has
earmarked and allotted the land on experts' advice. In view of the
directions of the High Court, the Government of Rajasthan has already
provided basic amenities at the New Milkmen Colony. The plots have been
allotted to a number of milkmen in view of the notification issued by
the State Government. The Government is the best judge of what is good
for the community. Therefore, the decision of the Government of
relocating the milkmen to a new site can not be questioned at this stage
particularly when the State Government has taken the decision based on
expert's advice in the larger public interest.
It has been submitted on behalf of the State Government that the State
has taken all steps in pursuance to the directions of the High Court and
has made available 2500 bighas of land to the Urban Improvement Trust,
Jodhpur for the purpose of shifting dairies from the city of Jodhpur.
The State Government has also made available a sum of Rs.50,00,000/- to
the Municipal Corporation to meet the expenses-
(i) catching the stray cattle;
(ii) for their transportation; and (iii) for purchase of fodder for the
stray cattle.
The Collector, Jodhpur has further made 500 bighas of land available to
the Municipal Corporation in Kali Beri, Soor Sagar, Jodhpur for creation
of a pond. The land and the money made available by the respondent State
should be meticulously used for the same purpose.
In Ramji Patel & Others v. Nagrik Upbhokta Marg Darshak Manch & Others
reported in (2000) 3 SCC 29, this Court has laid down that in a
situation where the interest of the community is involved, the
individual interest must yield to the interest of the community or the
general public.
We have heard the learned counsel for the parties at length and
carefully perused the orders passed by the High Court from time to time.
In our considered view, no interference is called for in the impugned
On consideration of the totality of the facts and circumstances of the
case, in the larger interest of the citizens of Jodhpur, we issue the
following directions:
1. We direct the dairy owners/operators who were allotted land in the
milkmen colony at Pal Road, but are still continuing to operate within
the city limit to shift to a new colony which has been made available to
them by the respondent State as expeditiously as possible and in any
event on or before 31st March, 2007;
2. The other milk dairy owners/operators who are running the dairies and
keeping their cattle in the city of Jodhpur but have not been allotted
land shall also shift their dairies and their cattle outside the city of
Jodhpur on or before 30th April, 2007. The respondent State of Rajasthan
and the Municipal Corporation at Jodhpur are directed to ensure that
necessary facilities and infrastructure as directed by the Division
Bench to the dairy owners/operators are provided, if not already
3. The Municipal Corporation of Jodhpur is directed to remove unattended
stray animals, such as, stray cattle, bulls, dogs, pigs etc. from the
city of Jodhpur as expeditiously as possible and in any event on or
before 30th April, 2007;
4. The respondent State Government is directed to frame guidelines
regarding proper use of plastic bags in the State because number of
deaths of cattle on account of consuming of plastic bags have been
reported. The State Government is directed to frame necessary guidelines
on or before 31st March, 2007;
5. The Municipal Corporation is directed to ensure that used plastic
bags and other plastic materials must be separated from other garbage
and destroyed to prevent their consumption by cattle, bulls and other
6. The respondent State Government
and the Corporation are directed to ensure that the basic infrastructure
is made available to the milk dairy owners/operators as expeditiously as
possible and in any event on or before 25th March, 2007;
7. In order to ensure meticulous
compliance of the directions of this Court and that of the High Court
and to ensure relocation of the milk dairies, we direct the Committee
appointed by the High Court to submit compliance report on or before 7th
May, 2007.
These appeals to be listed for
further directions on 14th May, 2007.
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