(With Civil Appeal No.7561 of 2005)
Dr. Arijit
Pasayat, J.: -
On Challenge in these appeals is to the judgment of a
Division Bench of the Kerala High Court holding that the order
of cancellation dated 13.4.2005 passed by respondent No.2
was illegal and that respondent No.1 was entitled to further
time to furnish the bank guarantee after the order granting
exemption in terms of Section 81(3)(b) of the Kerala Land
Reforms Act, 1963 (in short the 'Act') is issued.
The background facts in a nutshell are as follows:
The State Government transferred 51.96 acres of land in
favour of Goshree Island Development Authority (in short the
'GIDA) a non statutory State Government Undertaking to
enable it to sell it and to use the proceeds for its
developmental schemes. GIDA was authorized to sell the land
in public auction in part or in full. GIDA invited tenders on
several occasions but the tenders were cancelled. Finally, as
per Notification dated 10.1.2005 fresh tenders were invited
and pre bid meeting was held on 10.2.2005. Tenders were
submitted, which were opened on 16.2.2005. In the tender
documents four options were indicated. The individual extent
of plots mentioned in option IV which was accepted by the
GIDA was less than the ceiling limit contemplated under
Section 82(d) of the Act i.e. 15 acres.
Respondent No.1 i.e. M/s Hotel Venus International
(hereinafter referred to as the 'Venus') was the successful
bidder in respect of plot Nos. D3, D4 and D5 and its sister
concerns were successful in respect of plots B, C3, C4 and C5
under Option IV. Appellant M/s Puravankara Projects Ltd.
was the second highest bidder in respect of plot Nos. D3, D4
and D5 measuring about 8.78 acres each. In the pre bid
meeting held on 10.2.2005 one of the queries raised by one of
the participants was as to when exemption notification under
Section 81(3)(b) of the Act would be obtained. The reply by the
Secretary, GIDA forms the foundation of several stands in the
present appeals. The Secretary admittedly replied as follows:
"GIDA had moved for general exemption
under Section 81(3)(b) of the Kerala Land
Reforms Act from the Government and the
same will be obtained in a few days".
On 28.2.2005 the General Council of GIDA accepted bids of
Venus for plot Nos. D3, D4 and D5 and confirmation letters of
the said acceptance were issued on 1.4.2005 from Cochin
addressed to the addressees in terms of Clause 19 of the
tender. The addressees were in Trivandrum
By letter dated 31.3.2005 Venus insisted on an
exemption notification being obtained by GIDA as a pre
condition to fulfill the tender terms and conditions, more
particularly relating to furnishing of bank guarantee in terms
of Clause 10 of the tender. There is some dispute as to
whether the bidders had received the letters because the
postal endorsements indicate that on account of oral
instructions of the owner of Venus, the letters were delivered
on 28.4.2005 i.e. much after the normal period of delivery of
letters. Appellant knowing that Venus had not furnished the
bank guarantee in terms of Clause 10 of Tender Terms and
Conditions vide its letter dated 19.4.2005 matched the
highest offer in respect of the concerned plots and agreed to
pay the entire amount in a lump sum. When GIDA did not
respond to the offer, the appellant moved the High Court of
Kerala by a Writ Petition (C) No.13735 of 2005 which relates to
C.A. 7561 of 2005. Prayer in the writ petition inter alia was for
a declaration that the tender of Venus in relation to plot Nos
D3, D4 and D5 was to be treated as cancelled as the requisite
bank guarantee was not furnished. A consequential prayer
was made not to extend the time for furnishing bank
guarantee and for a direction to GIDA to consider the
appellant's tender which till then was not accepted.
Learned Single Judge of the High Court passed an
interim order restraining the alteration of the terms and
conditions contained in the tender until further orders. In the
meantime, Venus failed to furnish the bank guarantee and,
therefore, GIDA issued letters of cancellation of the letters of
confirmation issued earlier.
The order of cancellation was challenged by Venus in
respect of the concerned Plots in Writ Petition Nos.
15032/2005, 15048/2005 and 15052/2005. It is to be noted
that the first two related to plot Nos. B, C3, C4 and C5. During
the pendency of the writ petitions, the General Council of
GIDA in its meeting on 21.5.2005 ratified the cancellation and
directed forfeiture of the earnest money deposited in respect of
the bids made by Venus in respect of the plots. In the said
meeting in respect of plot Nos. D3, D4 and D5 it was resolved
to accept the offers made by the appellant who had offered the
same price as that offered by Venus earlier. The decision was
however made subject to the decision of the High Court in the
pending writ petitions.
The Notification of exemption of land in terms of Section
81(3)(b) of the Act was issued and published in the official
gazette on 20.5.2005. The learned Single Judge allowed the
writ petition filed by Venus essentially holding that the
exemption Notification should have preceded the tender and
Venus could not have been expected to comply with tender
conditions without an exemption Notification. The Writ
Petitions filed by the appellants were dismissed. The writ
appeals preferred in respect of the writ petitions were
dismissed affirming the judgment of the learned Single Judge
though on different grounds.
It is to be noted that a Division Bench of the High Court
had issued notice and passed interim order to maintain status
quo in respect of the concerned plots by order dated
According to the appellants Venus had not come to Court
with clean hands. Both learned Single Judge and the Division
Bench proceeded on erroneous premises as if exemption was a
condition precedent to issuance of tender. In fact all concerned
knew that the exemption could be granted later on. The
exemption was necessary only when the total area exceeded
the prescribed limit. As noted above, the successful bidder
could be allotted a plot of land which was less than the ceiling
limit. It is submitted that Venus was aware that exemption notification
was not a condition precedent. Therefore, it had by
its letter dated 16.3.2005 addressed to the Chief Minister of
State expressed its willingness for execution of the sale deeds
in respect of the plots for which they had submitted tenders.
Prayer was made in respect of the benefit of stamp duty. In
that context they had clearly stated in the writ petition that
instead of waiting for instalments they had prepared to raise
their own resources to save a huge amount. In other words,
attempt of Venus was to save the stamp duty and absence of
the exemption order was not even taken as a ground for
permission to execute the sale deeds. The High Court, it is
submitted, had erroneously considered the terms of the tender
and the effect of Section 87 of the Act. The High Court by its
judgment virtually re-wrote the terms of the tender document
and in essence introduced new aspects in the contract.
Section 87 had no application because it relates to cases
when a person either acquires any land after the notified date
under Section 83 of the Act by gift, purchase, mortgage with
possession, lease, surrender or any other kind of transfer inter
vivos or by bequest or inheritance or by otherwise. It comes
into existence once there is acquisition of title or interest over
the property. The agreement for sale does not create any
interest in the property and, therefore, the High Court was not
justified in applying Section 87 to the facts of the case.
In response, learned counsel for Venus-respondent No.1
submitted that Section 81(3)(b) of the Act relates to exemption.
Section 82 specifies the ceiling area and, therefore, no person
can hold land in excess of the ceiling limit. There is a total
prohibition. Since the global tender notification was issued in
respect of the entire 51 acres 96 cents of land, it was obvious
that even if a bidder succeeds in the tender for more than 51
acres of land he cannot own or hold the land for any purpose
without the exemption. Clause 14 of Tender Terms and
Conditions provides that allottees can avail loan from the
banks/financial institutions for effecting payment and for that
purpose GIDA was requested to issue NOC. That being so, no
any bank or financial institution will advance any amount
without a clear title. In the absence of the exemption
notification legally the successful bidder cannot hold any land.
That actually would affect the generation of finances. In the
pre bid meeting a specific stand was raised as to when the
exemption notification is likely to be issued and the reply of
GIDA authorities was that it was to be obtained shortly. In the
absence of the exemption notification the requirement of
furnishing the bank guarantee could not have been insisted
upon and both the learned Single Judge and the Division
Bench have therefore rightly held that the exemption
notification was a condition precedent. If a bidder is
constrained to fulfill the conditions regarding payment of bank
guarantee without exemption that would cause great hardship
and if there is non compliance, the inevitable result would be
that GIDA would forfeit the EMD for no fault of the tenderer.
Therefore, the High Court has rightly accepted the contention
of Venus that time for compliance would be computed only
from the date of exemption notification and the receipt of the
confirmation thereof. When the parties entered into an
arrangement it is impliedly understood that there should be
an effective transfer of undisputed clear title to the transferee.
It is therefore submitted that the order of learned Single Judge
and the Division Bench do not warrant any interference.
A belated special leave petition has been filed by the
State taking the stand that there has been considerable
increase in price and cost of the land and the appellant should
not be allowed to get the land by matching price offered by
Venus. It is to be noted that the order of learned Single Judge
was not challenged either by the State Government or GIDA
and this fact has been noted by the Division Bench.
A few clauses in the Tender Terms and Conditions need
to be noted. They are Clauses 3, 7, 8, 10, 14 and 15 which
read as follows:
"3 The tenderers have to acquaint
themselves with regard to the nature and other
conditions of the land before submitting
tender. The Tender form quoting unit rate (rate
per cent) enclosed in sealed cover with the
superscription "Tender for goshree Land at
Marine Drive, Kochi" shall reach the Secretary,
Goshree Islands Development Authority, Park
Avenue, Kochi-682 011 before 3.00 P.M. on
16th February, 2005. Tender received after the
time fixed will not be considered. The tenders
will be opened by the Secretary, GIDA or an
officer authorized by him at 4.00 P.M. on the
same day at District Collector's Camp office,
Club Road, Kochi-682 011 in the presence of
the bidders or their authorized representative
if present.
xx xx xx
7. The tenders shall remain open for a
period of 90 days.
8. The tenders received in each option, will
be evaluated by the General Council and
appropriate decision which is most
advantageous to GIDA will be taken. The
General Council is free to take any decision,
which it deems fit in the best interest of GIDA.
xx xx xx
10. Within 10 days of receipt of confirmation
letter, the bidder shall furnish two bank
guarantees each covering 20% of the bid
amount for a period of 180 days. On failure of
compliance, the tender shall stand cancelled
without further notice and the earnest money
deposit shall be forfeited. If the tenderer to
whom the notice intimating confirmation is
sent, fails to respond within the specified time
of 10 days, GIDA will be free to consider any
other tender without any further notice.
Xx xx xx
14. If after payment of Ist instalment, the
allottee desires to avail loan from
banks/financial institutions for paying the 2nd
and 3rd instalments of sale value of the land,
GIDA will issue necessary NOC favouring the
bank/financial institution.
15. Sale deed will be registered and
possession handed over to the purchaser on
payment of the full value of the land".
Sections 81(3)(b) and 87 on which much of the
controversy revolves round read as follows:
"81(3) The Government may, if they are
satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the
public interest.
(a) xx xx xx xx
(b) on account of any land being bona fide
required for the purpose of conversion into
plantation or for the extension or
preservation of an existing plantation or for
any commercial, industrial, education or
charitable purpose, by notification in the
Gazette, exempt such land from the
provisions of this Chapter, subject to such
restrictions and conditions as they deem fit
to impose:
Provided that the land referred to in
clause (b) shall be used for the purpose for
which it is intended within such time as the
Government may specify in that behalf; and
where the land is not so used within the
time specified, the exemption shall cease to
be in force".
Section 87: Excess land obtained by gift, etc.,
to be surrendered:-(1) Where any person
acquires any land after the date notified under
section 83 by gift, purchase, mortgage with
possession lease, surrender or any other kind
of transfer intervivos or by bequest or
inheritance or otherwise and in consequence
thereof the total extent of land owned or held
by such person exceeds the ceiling area, such
excess shall be surrendered to such authority
as may be prescribed.
Explanation I.- Where any land is exempted by
or under section 81 and such exemption is in
force on the date notified under section 83,
such land shall, with effect from the date on
which it ceases to be exempted, be deemed to
be land acquired after the date notified under
section 83.
Explanation II.-. Where, after the date notified
under section 83, any class of land specified in
Schedule II has been converted into any other
class of land specified in that Schedule or any
land exempt under section 81 from the
provisions of this Chapter is converted into
any class of land not so exempt and in
consequence thereof the total extent of land
owned or held by a person exceeds the ceiling
area, so much extent of land as is in excess of
the ceiling area, shall be deemed to be land
acquired after the said date.
(1A) Any person referred to in sub-section (1)
shall file a statement containing the
particulars specified in sub- section (1) of
section 85A within a period of three months of
the date of the acquisition.
(2) The provisions of sections 85 and 86 shall,
so far as may be, apply to the vesting in the
Government of the ownership or possession or
both of the lands required to be surrendered
under sub-section (1).
It is clear that the Division Bench of the High Court was
of the view that duty is cast on the Government as well as
GIDA to inform the prospective bidders as to whether they
propose to place any restriction or condition in granting
exemption under Section 81(3)(b). The High Court also noted
that both the Government and the GIDA were aware of the
necessity of issuing a statutory notification in the gazette
under Section 81(3)(b) of the Act failing which the entire
contract would be rendered void and unworkable. Once the
Government refuses exemption the entire contract would be
frustrated, as also, the restrictions or conditions the
Government may impose in a given case may not be
acceptable to the parties. Disregard of statutory requirements
may render the contract illegal and when the contract is
entered into in violation of these statutory requirements it
would be opposed to public policy and may violate Section 23
of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (in short the 'Contract Act').
Therefore, it was held that notification under Section 81(3)(b)
should have come before inviting the global tender so that the
bidders were in a position to know the restrictions and
conditions which Government would impose while granting
exemption. That being so, learned Single Judge's view is
affirmed by the Division Bench of the High Court.
Clauses 10 and 15 in the tender document which have
been extracted above are of considerable significance. Clause
10 provides the mode of payment. Clause 13 provides that in
case of non payment of 1st instalment, the bank guarantee
can be invoked. Clause 15 provides that the sale deed is to be
registered on payment of the full value of the land.
Section 87 deals with acquisition of title after the notified
date. Section 87(1)(a) deals with action to be taken within a
period of three months from the date of acquisition. The bank
guarantee was to be furnished within a period of 10 days. The
High Court held that the contract was un- enforceable in view
of Section 87 of the Act is not correct. The High Court mis-construed the scope of Section 87 of the Act. The reason that
the bank guarantee was not given is of no consequence. In
fact as rightly submitted by learned counsel for the appellant,
Venus itself being conscious that the exemption notification
was not necessary before furnishing of bank guarantee,
requested for immediate registration of the sale deed. The only
reason indicated was that if it is done before a particular date
considerable amount of stamp duty would be saved. At that
stage, GIDA was never even intimated by Venus that it had no
money or that it was awaiting for bank finances or that there
was any necessity to obtain exemption notification. It appears
even the stands regarding the availability of finances are
different at different points of time.
In the pre bid meeting also admittedly there was no
demand to change the condition regarding the exemption
notification being obtained first. GIDA's stand was very
specific. It never treated the exemption notification to be a
condition precedent.
Clause 11 also throws considerable light on the actual
intention. The same when read with Clause 14 makes the
position clear that if after payment of first instalment the
allottee desires to avail loan from a bank or financial
institution for paying the second and third instalments of the
sale value of the land, GIDA will issue NOC in favour of
bank/financial institution. Therefore, only after the payment
of the first instalment, the question of GIDA issuing NOC
arises, that too when the allottee desires to avail loan for
paying the second and third instalments.
Clause 13 provides for forfeiture in case of non payment
of the first instalment and permits the bank guarantee to be
invoked without further notice. It specifically provides for
furnishing of bank guarantee in respect of the required
percentage of the bid amount and permits cancellation of the
tender and forfeiture of the amount deposited.
The High Court also has held that the exemption
notification can be treated as part of implied terms. It is to be
noted that the Government itself permitted GIDA to sell the
property initially. Section 23 of the Contract Act has really no
application to the facts of the case. Section 87 as noted above,
deals with acquisition after the date of notification and permits
filing of the statement subsequently in terms of Sub-section
(1A) of Section 87. Illegality is attached to a case where a
person continues to hold the land and there is a requirement
of surrender after acquisition.
There is a vital distinction between the administrative
and contractual law decisions.
It is to be noted that there was no privity of contract
between Government and the bidders. The tender conditions
inter alia contained provisions relating to signing of contract
and payment of money. There can be no implied terms so far
as the Government is concerned. Terms can be claimed to be
implied by the parties to the contract. Thus, it was open to
the contracting parties to say that subject to obtaining
exemption notification, the contract would be given effect to. It
is not so in the present case.
Government by a contract cannot be compelled to grant
permission. The statutory parameters have to be kept in view.
A condition may be there, as appears to be in present case, to
take steps to obtain permission. An agreement may fail
because of absence of permission. Then it becomes
Certain decisions of this Court are relevant. In W.B. State
Electricity Board v. Patel Engineering Co. Ltd. and Ors. (2001
(2) SCC 451) it was held that the conditions cannot be
changed. The relevant paragraphs are 24, 30 and 31. They
read as follows:
"24. The controversy in this case has arisen at
the threshold. It cannot be disputed that this
is an international competitive bidding which
postulates keen competition and high
efficiency. The bidders have or should have
assistance of technical experts. The degree of
care required in such a bidding is greater than
in ordinary local bids for small works. It is
essential to maintain the sanctity and integrity
of process of tender/bid and also award of a
contract. The appellant, Respondents 1 to 4
and Respondents 10 and 11 are all bound by
the ITB which should be complied with
scrupulously. In a work of this nature and
magnitude where bidders who fulfil
prequalification alone are invited to bid,
adherence to the instructions cannot be given
a go-by by branding it as a pedantic approach,
otherwise it will encourage and provide scope
for discrimination, arbitrariness and
favouritism which are totally opposed to the
rule of law and our constitutional values. The
very purpose of issuing rules/instructions is to
ensure their enforcement lest the rule of law
should be a casualty. Relaxation or waiver of a
rule or condition, unless so provided under the
ITB, by the State or its agencies (the appellant)
in favour of one bidder would create justifiable
doubts in the minds of other bidders, would
impair the rule of transparency and fairness
and provide room for manipulation to suit the
whims of the State agencies in picking and
choosing a bidder for awarding contracts as in
the case of distributing bounty or charity. In
our view such approach should always be
avoided. Where power to relax or waive a rule
or a condition exists under the rules, it has to
be done strictly in compliance with the rules.
We have, therefore, no hesitation in concluding
that adherence to the ITB or rules is the best
principle to be followed, which is also in the
best public interest.
30. Though clause 29 in this case appears to
be similarly worded as in the bid documents in
Spina case a close reading of these clauses
shows that no power of waiver is reserved in
the case on hand. That apart, the nature of the
error in these two cases is entirely different.
There, the error was apparent $ 400 for $ 4,
non-material and waivable by the Corporation;
in the present case the errors pointed out
above are not simply arithmetical and clericalmistake but a deliberate mode of splitting the
bid which would amount to rewriting the
entries in the bid document and cannot be
treated as non-material. Therefore, the
judgment in Spina case does not help
Respondents 1 to 4.
31. The submissions that remains to be
considered is that as the price bid of
respondents 1 to 4 is lesser by 40 crores and
80 crores than that of respondents 11 and 10
respectively, public interest demands that the
bid of respondents 1 to 4 should be
considered. The Project undertaken by the
appellant is undoubtedly for the benefit of the
public. The mode of execution of the work of
the Project should also ensure that the public
interest is best served. Tenders are invited on
the basis of competitive bidding for execution
of the work of the Project as it serves dual
purposes. On the one hand it offers a fair
opportunity to all those who are interested in
competing for the contract relating to
execution of the work and, on the other hand it
affords the appellant a choice to select the best
of the competitors on a competitive price
without prejudice to the quality of the work.
Above all, it eliminates favouritism and
discrimination in awarding public works to
contractors. The contract is, therefore,
awarded normally to the lowest tenderer which
is in public interest. The principle of awarding
contract to the lowest tenderer applies when
all things are equal. It is equally in public
interest to adhere to the rules and conditions
subject to which bids are invited. Merely
because a bid is the lowest the requirements of
compliance with the rules and conditions
cannot be ignored. It is obvious that the bid of
respondents 1 to 4 is the lowest of bids offered.
As the bid documents of respondents 1 to 4
stand without correction there will be inherent
inconsistency between the particulars given in
the annexure and the total bid amount, it (sic
they) cannot be directed to be considered along
with the other bids on the sole ground of being
the lowest."
In Directorate of Education and Ors. v. Educomp
Datamatics Ltd. and Ors. (2004 (4) SCC 19) it was observed as
"9. It is well settled now that the courts can
scrutinise the award of the contracts by the
Government or its agencies in exercise of their
powers of judicial review to prevent
arbitrariness or favouritism. However, there
are inherent limitations in the exercise of the
power of judicial review in such matters. The
point as to the extent of judicial review
permissible in contractual matters while
inviting bids by issuing tenders has been
examined in depth by this Court in Tata
Cellular v. Union of India (1994 (6) SCC 651).
After examining the entire case-law the
following principles have been deduced: (SCC
pp. 687-88, para 94)
"94. The principles deducible from
the above are:
(1) The modern trend points to
judicial restraint in administrative
(2) The court does not sit as a court
of appeal but merely reviews the
manner in which the decision was
(3) The court does not have the
expertise to correct the
administrative decision. If a review
of the administrative decision is
permitted it will be substituting its
own decision, without the necessary
expertise which itself may be fallible.
(4) The terms of the invitation to
tender cannot be open to judicial
scrutiny because the invitation to
tender is in the realm of contract.
Normally speaking, the decision to
accept the tender or award the
contract is reached by process of
negotiations through several tiers.
More often than not, such decisions
are made qualitatively by experts.
(5) The Government must have
freedom of contract. In other words,
a fair play in the joints is a
necessary concomitant for an
administrative body functioning in
an administrative sphere or quasi-
administrative sphere. However the
decision must not only be tested by
the application of Wednesbury
principle of reasonableness
(including its other facts pointed out
above) but must be free from
arbitrariness not affected by bias or
actuated by mala fides.
(6) Quashing decisions may impose
heavy administrative burden on the
administration and lead to increased
and unbudgeted expenditure."
10. In Air India Ltd. v. Cochin International
Airport Ltd. (2000 (2) SCC 617), this Court
observed: (SCC p. 623, para 7)
"The award of a contract, whether it
is by a private party or by a public
body or the State, is essentially a
commercial transaction. In arriving
at a commercial decision
considerations which are paramount
are commercial considerations. The
State can choose its own method to
arrive at a decision. It can fix its
own terms of invitation to tender
and that is not open to judicial
scrutiny. It can enter into
negotiations before finally deciding
to accept one of the offers made to
it. Price need not always be the sole criterion for awarding a contract. It
is free to grant any relaxation, for
bona fide reasons, if the tender
conditions permit such a relaxation.
It may not accept the offer even
though it happens to be the highest
or the lowest. But the State, its
corporations,instrumentalities and
agencies are bound to adhere to the
norms, standards and procedure
laid down by them and cannot
depart from them arbitrarily.
Though that decision is not
amenable to judicial review, the
court can examine the decision-making process and interfere if it is
found vitiated by mala fides,
unreasonableness and
11. This principle was again re-stated by this
Court in Monarch Infrastructure (P) Ltd. v.
Commr, Ulhasnagar Municipal Corpn. (2000
(5) SCC 287) It was held that the terms and
conditions in the tender are prescribed by the
Government bearing in mind the nature of
contract and in such matters the authority
calling for the tender is the best judge to
prescribe the terms and conditions of the
tender. It is not for the courts to say whether
the conditions prescribed in the tender under
consideration were better than the ones
prescribed in the earlier tender invitations".
In Har Shankar and Ors. v. The Dy. Excise and Taxation
Commr. and Ors. (1975 (1) SCC 737) the case of a bid with
full knowledge was considered. It was observed as follows:
"15. Learned counsel for the respondents
raised a preliminary objection to the
maintainability of the writ petitions filed by the
appellants to the grant of reliefs claimed by
them. He contends that the appellants who
offered their bids in the auctions did so with
knowledge of the terms and conditions
attaching to the auctions and they cannot, by
their writ petitions, be permitted to wriggle out
of the contractual obligations arising out of the
acceptance of their bids. This objection is well-founded and must be accepted.
16. Those interested in running the country
liquor vends offered their voluntarily in the
auctions held for granting licences for the sale
of country liquor. The terms and conditions of
auctions were announced before the auctions
were held and the bidders participated in the
auction without a demur and with full
knowledge of the commitments which the bids
involved. The announcement of conditions
governing the auctions were in the nature of
an invitation to an offer to those who were
interested in the sale of country liquor. The
bids given in the auctions were offers made by
prospective vendors to the Government. The
Government's acceptance of those bids was the
acceptance of willing offers made to it. On
such acceptance, the contract between the
bidders and the Government became
concluded and a binding agreement came into
existence between them. The successful
bidders were then granted licences evidencing
the terms of contract between them and the
Government, under which they became
entitled to sell liquor. The licensees exploited
the respective licences for a portion of the
period of their currency, presumably in
expectation of a profit. Commercial
considerations may have revealed an error of
judgment in the initial assessment of
profitability of the adventure but that is a
normal incident of all trading transactions.
Those who contract with open eyes must
accept the burdens of the contract along with
its benefits. The powers of Financial
Commissioner to grant liquor licences by
auction and to collect licence fees through the
medium of auctions cannot by writ petitions be
questioned by those who, had their venture
succeeded, would have relied upon those very
powers to found a legal claim, Reciprocal
rights and obligations arising out of contract
do not depend for their enforceability upon
whether a contracting party finds it prudent to
abide by the terms of the contract. By such a
test no contract could ever have a binding
The difference between administrative law and
contractual law was succinctly stated in Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd. v. Amritsar Gas Service and Ors. (1991 (1)
SCC 533). It was noted in paras 9, 10 and 11 as follows:
"9. The argument advanced by Shri Harish
Salve on behalf of the appellant-Corporation to
the validity of the award are these. The first
contention is that the validity of the award has
to be tested on the principle of private law and
the law of contracts and not on the touchstone
of constitutional limitations to which the
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., as an
instrumentality of the State may be subject
since the suit was based on breach of contract
alone and the arbitrator who proceeded only
on that basis to grant the reliefs. It is urged
that for this reason the further questions of
public law do not arise on the facts of the
present case. The next contention is that the
relief of restoration of the contract granted by
the arbitrator is contrary to law being against
the express prohibition in Sections 14 and 16
of the Specific Relief Act. It is urged that the
contract being admittedly revokable at the
instance of either party in accordance with
clause 28 of the agreement, the only relief
which can be granted on the finding of breach
of contract by the appellant-Corporation is
damages for the notice period of 30 days and
no more. It was then urged that the reasons
given in the award for granting the relief of
restoration of the distributorship are
untenable, being contrary to law. Shri Salve contended that the
propositions of law indicated in the award and applied for
granting the reliefs disclose an error of law
apparent on the face of the award. It was also
urged that the onus of proving valid
termination of the contract was wrongly placed
by the arbitrator on the appellant-Corporation
instead of requiring the plaintiff-respondent 1
to prove that the termination was invalid. It
was also contended that the failure of the
arbitrator to consider and decide the
appellant-Corporation's counter-claim when
the whole suit was referred for decision
constitute legal misconduct.
10. In reply, Shri Sehgal on behalf of
respondent 1 contended that there is a
presumption of validity of award and the
objections not taken specifically must be
ignored. This argument of Shri Sehgal relates
to the grievance of the appellant relating to
placing the onus on the appellant-Corporation
of proving validity of the termination. This
contention of Shri Sehgal must be upheld
since no such specific ground is taken in theobjections of the appellant. Moreover, there
being a clear finding by the arbitrator of
breach of contract by invalid termination, the
question of onus is really of no significance.
The other arguments of Shri Sehgal are that
the termination of distributorship casts stigma
on the partners of the firm; counter claim of
the appellant-Corporation was rightly not
considered since it was not made before the
order of the reference; the reference made
being of all disputes in the suit, the nature of
relief to be granted was also within the
arbitrator's jurisdiction; and interest also must
be awarded to the respondent.
11. We may at the outset mention that it is not
necessary in the present case to go into the
constitutional limitations of Article 14 of the
Constitution to which the appellant-Corporation as an instrumentality of the State
would be subject particularly in view of the
recent decisions of this Court in Dwarkadas
Marfatia and Sons v. Board of Trustees of the
Bombay, Mahabir Auto Stores v. Indian Oil
Corporation and Shrilekha Vidyarathi v. State
of U.P.. This is on account of the fact that the
suit was based only on breach of contract and
remedies flowing therefrom and it is on this
basis alone that the arbitrator has given his
award. Shri Salve is therefore right in
contending that the further questions of public
law basis on Article 14 of the Constitution do
not arise for decision in the present case and
the matter must be decided strictly in the
realm of private law rights governed by the
general law relating to contracts with reference
to the provisions of the Specific Relief Act
provided for non-enforceability of certain types
of contracts. It is, therefore, in this
background that we proceed to consider and
decide the contentions raised before us".
In essence, it was held that tender terms are contractual and
it is the privilege of the Government which invites its tenders
and Courts did not have jurisdiction to judge as to how the
tender terms would have to be framed.
By observing that there was implied term which is not
there in the tender, and postponing the time by which the
bank guarantee has to be furnished, in essence the High
Court directed modification of a vital term of the contract.
In M/s New Bihar Biri Leaves Co. and Ors. v. State of
Bihar and Ors. (1981 (1) SCC 537) it was observed at para 48
as follows:
"48. It is a fundamental principle of general
application that if a person of his own accord,
accepts a contract on certain terms and works
out the contract, he cannot be allowed to
adhere to and abide by some of the terms of
the contract which proved advantageous to
him and repudiate the other terms of the same
contract which might be disadvantageous to
him. The maxim is qui approbat non reprobate
(one who approbates cannot reprobate). This
principle, though originally borrowed from
Scots Law, is now firmly embodied in English
Common Law. According to it, a party to an
instrument or transaction cannot take
advantage of one part of a document or
transaction and reject the rest. That is to say,
no party can accept and reject the same
instrument or transaction (Per Scrutton, L.J.,
Verschures Creameries Ltd. v. Hull @
Netherlands Steamship Co. (1921 (2) KB 608;
see Douglas Menzies v. Umphelby (1908 AC
224, 232; see also Stround's Judicial
Dictionary, Vol. I, page 169, 3rd Edn.)"
In Assistant Excise Commissioner and Ors. v. Isaac
Peter and Ors. (1994 (4) SCC 104) this Court highlighted that
the concept of administrative law and fairness should not be
mixed up with fair or unfair terms of the contract.
It was stated in no uncertain terms that duty to act fairly
which is sought to be imported into a contract to modify
and/or alter its terms and/or to create an obligation upon the
State Government which is not there in the contract is not
covered by any doctrine of fairness or reasonableness. The
duty to act fairly and reasonably is a doctrine developed in
administrative law field to ensure the rule of law and to
prevent failure of justice when the action is administrative in
Just as the principles of natural justice ensure fair
decision where function is quasi-judicial the doctrine of
fairness is evolved to ensure fair action when the function is
administrative. But the said principle cannot be invoked to
amend, alter or vary the expressed terms of the contract
between the parties.
So far as the principles relating to implied terms are
concerned the position has been stated by Chitty on
Contracts, 28th Edn. Chapter 13. They read as follows:
"A term will not however thus be implied
unless the court is satisfied that both parties
would, as reasonable men have agreed to it
had it been suggested to them ..The Court
will only imply a term if it is one which must
necessarily have been intended by them, and
in particular will be reluctant to make any
implications, "where the parties have entered
into a carefully drafted written contract
containing detail terms agreed between
them" A term ought not to be implied
unless it is in all the circumstances equitable
and reasonable . But this does not mean that a
term will be implied merely because in all the
circumstances it would be reasonable to do so
or because it would improve the contract or
make its carrying out more convenient. "the
touchstone is always necessity and not merely
reasonableness". "A term will not be
implied if it would be inconsistent with the
express wording of the contract".
In Halsbury's Laws of England, 4th Edn, Vol. 9, the
expression "implied terms" reads as follows:
"In practice, logically implied terms and
the other three types of implied terms tend to
merge imperceptibly into each other, all the
categories being justified to some extent by
reference to the intention of the parties; and
the distinctions between classes of implied
terms tend to be based on convention rather
than logic. The conventional distinction which
will be adopted here, are as follows: (1) terms
implied by custom; (2) terms implied by law;
(3) other terms implied by the courts. The
relationship between the parties may be a
matter of profound importance in determining
whether a contract contains a term implied
under one of these heads.
xx xx xx xx
Implication by law- There are many cases
where apart from local custom or usage, the
common law has recognized a general custom that
certain terms be incorporated into particular types
of contract. In some of these cases, the rules having
been decided by the courts, they have been put into
statutory form; for example the implied terms in
sale of goods, conveyances of interests in land, in
contracts of marine insurance or in contractual
licences to enter property. Frequently, such
statutorily implied terms are expressed to give way
to a contrary intention; but there are other cases
where the terms implied by statute cannot be
excluded by any contrary agreement. Yet a further
step in the process is that where statute law has in
a particular field codified terms implied at common
law, the courts may import those statutory terms
into similar transactions by way of analogy. For
instance, the statutorily implied term as to fitness
in a sale of goods has been imported by analogy into
contracts for the manufacturer of dentures, repair
of a motor car, the erection of scaffolding, the
dyeing of a woman's hair but the courts have shown
themselves much more reluctant to import similar
terms as to fitness into contracts for the sale or
lease of interests in land .The conclusion would
appear to be that terms implied by law are not
happily described as "implied terms": they are
rather duties which (frequently subject to a contrary
intention) are imposed by the law on the parties to
particular types of contract. In deciding whether to
create such duties, the courts tend to look, not to
the intention of the parties, but to consideration of
public policy ..An implied warranty, or as it
has been called, a covenant in law, as distinguished
from an express contract or express warranty is
really founded on the presumed intention of the
parties and upon reason. The implication which the
law draws from what must obviously have been the
intention of the parties, it draws with the object of
giving efficacy to the transaction and preventing
such failure of consideration as cannot have been
within the contemplation of either side.
In view of what we have stated above, it is not necessary
to deal with the grievance raised by the State Government in
its belated Special Leave Petition.
Judged at from any angle the order of the learned Single
Judge as affirmed by the Division Bench cannot be maintained
and is set aside.
The appellants had stated their willingness to match the
amount offered by Venus and also to pay interest in terms of
the contract. It has been stated that the whole amount shall
be paid and they shall not give any bank guarantee. Let the
amounts offered by Venus be paid by the appellants within a
period of one month from today with interest @12% p.a. from
the date of allotment. The amount, if any deposited by Venus
will be refunded with interest @ 9% from the date of deposit
within a period of six weeks.
The appeals are allowed but without any order as to
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