Law Article of 2011
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Articles Published in 2011
Internet Censorship:
Is the freedom of speech and expression being misused or is internet the
new platform to stage the views of the world’s largest democracy - ..By
Raagya Priya Zadu - Posted: 2011/12/18
Child Labour in India: We can easily recognize the importance of the
Child. The above statement has wide scope for interpretation. Child is
very important for the development of the society at....By Sandip
Balasaheb Satbhai - Posted: 2011/12/18
Negligence in India: Man is the only animal who believes in keeping
order in his world. This was one of the reasons that he invented the
concept of law. Law helped every man who - By Vasuprabhat Shukla -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Specific performance of Contracts:
Specific performance is equitable relief, given by the court to enforce
against a defendant, the duty of doing what he agreed by contract to do - By
Sparsh Prasad -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Enforcement of Foreign Awards: Under
Indian law, foreign awards passed in New York Convention countries, to,
inter alia, Singapore and England are capable of enforcement in India - By
Sparsh Prasad -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Evidentiary Value of FIR: The
statements made to the police are if three categories- a) A statement
which has been recorded as an First Information Report - By
Sparsh Prasad -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Implications to Securitization Act: The
Bank and Financial Institutions should exercise Caution while dealing
with running units of the borrowers. Law has no Color. A single wrong
step can - By
V.G.Ranganath -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Instances of Disingenuous Advertisements &
Consumers: Misleading and false advertisements are not just
unscrupulous; they warp competition and of course, consumer choice.
False and misleading - By
V.G.Ranganath -
Posted: 2011/12/18
We Want Sarv Shiksha Not Sarv Bhiksha:
It is disappointing to note that among the 200 million children in the
age group of 6-14 years, around half do not complete elementary
education - .By
Mini Gautam & Anshuman Chanda -
Posted: 2011/12/18
Reprography Regulatory Mechanisms:
Today’s world is being confronted by a phenomenon which has the
potential of taking away the incentives of many authors and publishers
to write - By
Mini Gautam & Anshuman Chanda -
Posted: 2011/12/14
Product Patent & Exclusive Marketing Rights:
Product Patent is the granting of patent to the ‘final’ product
irrespective of the process used for obtaining the product. Once you
obtain a patent, - By
Mini Gautam & Anshuman Chanda -
Posted: 2011/12/14
Vodafone Case: This recent case which
has come to the limelight deals with transfer of shares of an Indian
Company held by a foreign company to another foreign company. Transfer
of Capital Assets in India - By
suyash.upes -
Posted: 2011/12/5
Improvements to mortgaged property as
embodied under Section 63-A was introduced by the Amending Act of 1929.
Before this amendment, the Act, i.e., the Transfer of Property Act - - By
Utsav Gandhi -
Posted: 2011/12/5
Surrogacy, Concept of Renting a Womb:
The word ‘surrogate’ has its origin from a Latin word ‘surrogatus’,
meaning a substitute, that is, a person appointed to act in the place of
another. - ..By
Priya Pareek -
Posted: 2011/12/5
Children In Armed Conflict: What the
horrors of war are, no one can imagine they are not wounds and blood and
fever, spotted and low, or dysentery, chronic and acute, - ..By
suyash.upes -
Posted: 2011/12/5
Privileges of Parliament: This article
critically analyses the concept of Parliamentary privileges enshrined
under Article 105 of the Constitution of India along with various
judicial pronouncement - - By
Tapanshu Gehlot -
Posted: 2011/12/5
Impact of Securitization Act, 2002 on the Mortgage
Transactions: As the mortgage is regulated by Transfer of
Property Act, 1882 and the procedure for recovery of mortgage money is
through the ordinary - ....By
Manish Yadav -
Posted: 2011/11/30
Competition Law & Its Impact on Airline Industry:
If one goes by popular perceptions and natural expectations, every law
ought to have its roots in, a felt need. The inadequacy or vacuum in
the - ..By
Tapanshu Gehlot -
Posted: 2011/11/27
Sports & Torts: Legal Liability in Professional
Athletics: The transparency and efficiency of governmental
sports federations in India has been questionable at the best of times.
The question - ..By
Tapanshu Gehlot -
Posted: 2011/11/27
Jurisdiction of Courts ought to be introduced
under the RTI Act, 2005 for full compliance: this article
aims at highlighting the points that RTI, Act cannot be considered as a
proper legislation when analyzed - ..By
Posted: 2011/11/26
Accomplice Witness & its admissibility as Evidence:
In the basic sense Accomplice Witness mean a witness to a crime who,
either as principal, Accomplice, or Accessory, was connected with the
crime - By
Ayush Yadav
Posted: 2011/11/26
Sedition Law & Freedom of Expression:
With the recent unrest in society, Peoples Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL)
has launched a nationwide signature campaign against the Sedition Act,
whose - ..By
Kajeev Kumar
Posted: 2011/11/26
Competition Law vis-a-vis IPR rights:
Technology backed enterprises are based on information and knowledge.
Starting from Ford Cars to Microsoft Software are the product of
knowledge - By
Sehaj Sunderlal
Posted: 2011/11/26
Section 65 of the Indian Contract Act:
A brief critique on the implications of Section 65 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872 and its inadequacies with respect to eradicating
‘unjust enrichment’ in - ..By
Christopher Vijay Rao
Posted: 2011/11/26
The Art of Giving - Corporate Social
Responsibility in India: The article is a careful analysis of
the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives taken by prominent
Indian corporate houses....By
Mini Gautam
Posted: 2011/11/25
Unit-Linked Insurance Plans: Life
insurance is usually bought to transfer risk from an individual to a
pool to protect against untoward incidents and to provide for monetary
compensation to his family - By
Mini Gautam
Posted: 2011/11/25
Changing definition of Rape in India:
Rape is one of the most heinous crime to the social environment. With
the passage time, this issue has created lot of distorted effect and
seems that Law - ..By
Manjeet Kumar Sahu
Posted: 2011/11/25
Post Decisional Hearing: Post
decisional hearing is a hearing which takes place after a provisional
decision is reached. This principle was laid down in Maneka Gandhi v.
Union of India - By
Hitesh Agrawal
Posted: 2011/11/25
Critically Analysis of Broadcasting Right &
Control: Broadcasting media is the emerging market in the
television broadcasting media there for it competition is increase - By
Mahesh Ram Halde & Riya S. Dhanokar-
Posted: 2011/11/25
Indian Copyright Software: In India,
the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of computer software is covered
under the Copyright Law. Accordingly, the copyright of computer software
is protected under - By
Bharat Charan
Posted: 2011/11/25
Tribal Laws & Customs in India: India’s
population includes nearly one hundred million tribal people. These
numbers are matched only by the remarkable diversity of India’s tribes - By
Srabanee Ghosh
Posted: 2011/11/25
Protective Discrimination: Our society
has always been full of inequalities. It was a caste ridden, stratified
hierarchical society, and a particular segment of the society had been
denied the bare - By
Srabanee Ghosh
Posted: 2011/11/25
Review of National Education Policy from Student’s
Mental Health Perspective: Peaceful and Healthy mind is a
good recipient of Knowledge. Therefore Health of Mind defines the health
of student - By
Prof. Ravishankar Mor
Posted: 2011/11/25
Corruption in Governance: Human Rights Dimensions:
Corruption threatens the rule of law, democracy and human rights;
undermines good Governance, fairness and social justice; distorts
competition - .By
Ashish Kumar Gill
Posted: 2011/11/25
Government of the People, by the People, for the
People: Freedom will be bereft of all effectiveness if the
people have no access to information. Access to information is basic to
the democratic way of life - .By
Ashish Kumar Gill
Posted: 2011/11/25
Differences between Justification & Excuses And
Mistakes, Necessity & Accidents as Defenses: This article
covers the distinction between two closely related aspects of the Indian
Penal code - .By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpad
Posted: 2011/11/24
Controversies on Euthanasia:
‘Euthanasia’ is the word for ‘mercy killing’ or ‘to end the life’. If a
person is suffering from any chronic disease since 30 years or 40 years
and if he or she wants to end up his or her - By
Mudit Sahai
Posted: 2011/11/24
Role of Indian Judiciary in Environmental
Protection: Judicial and Quasi Judicial Bodies for
Environmental Protection are the Courts or Authorities established under
various environmental Protection - By
Prof. Ravishankar Mor
Posted: 2011/11/24
National Security & Preventive detention:
Many believe that stringent laws are required to counter terrorism. This
belief is inspired by the logic that such laws will deter terrorists
from indulging in acts - .By
Prof. Ravishankar Mor
Posted: 2011/11/24
Mens Rea in Statutory Offences: In the
field of law, it is important to understand each and every cause of each
and every act. Only then can a sound judgment be given in a case - By
Shashank Shekhar
Posted: 2011/11/24
Live in Relationships in Indian Societal Context:
Live in relationship is a new concept in India. Though the ‘unmarried
couple’ status existed, it was not popular and the term ‘Live in
relationship’ - By
Bindu Doddahatti
Posted: 2011/11/23
Importance of Open Source Software for better
E-Governance: Open source software is computer software. It
is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open source
software - By
Bharat Charan-
Posted: 2011/11/23
Social Security: The International
Labour Organisation (ILO) defines Social Security as "the security that
society furnishes through appropriate organization against certain risks - By
tanya das
Posted: 2011/11/23
Nuisance - A Tort: The word nuisance is
derived from the French word nuire, which means to do hurt, or to annoy.
One in possession of a property is entitled as per law to....By
tanya das
Posted: 2011/11/23
Interest rate structure & it genuineness in India:
What might one conclude from the observation that longer-term bonds
usually offer higher yields to maturity? One possibility is that
longer-term bonds - By
Prateek Sharma
Posted: 2011/11/23
Gagan Kanojia And Anr. Vs. State Of Punjab:
This case comment will highlight to us the value of circumstantial
evidence in a criminal case. In today's times where crime has become so
flawless and where - By
tanya das
Posted: 2011/11/21
Workmen Of Dimakuchi Tea Estate V. The Management
of Dimakuchi Tea Estate: This case comment helps us
understand the scope as to who is a workmen and what is the nature - By
tanya das
Posted: 2011/11/21
Utilitarianism: This principle
of utilitarianism speaks of greatest good of the greatest number. The
legal controversy as to whether a private interest can be sacrificed for
the public interest at large is founded - By
tanya das
Posted: 2011/11/12
of the Payment of Gratuity Act: The payment of Gratuity Act,
came into existence on 21st August, 1972. The Act applied to only
certain establishments prior to its amendment - By
Bharat Charan
Posted: 2011/11/12
moral Right: When an artist creates, he expresses an opinion.
Whether it is in the form of a painting, a photograph, a motion picture
or in any written form, that opinion is of the artist, by the artist - By
Alok Kumar yadav
Posted: 2011/9/29
Texture of Law & Hard Cases: Law is a set of rules which
governs and guides human conduct. Law is said to have an Open texture.
By referring law to have an Open texture, it is meant that law - ..By
Amol Khanna
Posted: 2011/9/29
Bajaj Auto Limited’s Case: The primary
object of this article is to explain the importance of the judgment
given in the case of Bajaj Auto Limited v. TVS Motor Company Limited and
how it will be beneficial - ...By
Esha Tyagi
Posted: 2011/9/29
& Acquisitions in Aviation Sector: This paper makes an
attempt to give a brief overview of the meaning of M&A, and the
regulations dealing with the same in India; it then tries to
comprehensively deal - By
Esha Tyagi
Posted: 2011/9/11
management in India: Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap or
waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) describes loosely
discarded, surplus, obsolete; or broken electrical or electronic - .By
Bharat Charan
Posted: 2011/9/11
of the RTI Act: RTI Act, 2005 was set up to create
transparency in the governance of the country but sometimes people use
it as a tool for unwarranted invasion of privacy - By
Manjeet Kumar Sahu
Posted: 2011/8/31
India’s Foreign policy from Constitutional
Perspective: Constitution of India constitutes India into a
Sovereign Socialist, Sovereign and Democratic, republic Nation.
Socialist Nation is a Nation which allows - By
Ravishankar Mor
Posted: 2011/8/31
The Role of Indian Judiciary with Special
Reference to Global IP Regime: Intellectual Property pertains
to invention/creation/innovation of any artistic, literary, scientific
creation, concept etc - .By
Aniket Pandey
Posted: 2011/8/31
IPR protection in outer space activities:
Despite the fact that space technology is always one of the most
advanced technical area, and outer space activities are, in fact, the
fruit of intellectual - ..By
Krishanu Das
Posted: 2011/8/31
Validity of foreign arbitral awards in India:
With the expansion of international trade in recent years, the business
world has been increasingly reluctant to litigate in courts of law for
differences arising from - By
Swati Nargotra
Posted: 2011/8/31
Euthanasia in India: From the moment of
his birth, a person is clothed with basic human rights. Right to life is
one of the basic as well as fundamental right without which all rights
cannot - By
Krishanu Das
Posted: 2011/8/31
Can a Legislature supplement the powers of Courts
given by a written Constitution, through a Sub-Constitutional
Legislation: Under a written Constitution the powers of
Executive, Legislature and Judiciary are fully described and under the
principle of supremacy of Constitution, all the three organs of a
State - By
Sh. Usman Karim-ud-Din
Posted: 2011/8/31
Needs of Corporate Governance:
Globalization has been accepted as new economic mantra for the world
economic progress. Globalization not only heightens the business risks,
but also - By
Paramita Bhattacharayya
Posted: 2011/8/31
Scope of Mamlatdar Court Act,1906: his
article gives a clear description of the scope and object of Mamlatdar
court act and jurisdiction of the court as well as functions and power
of Mamlatdar Court - ..By
Shraddha ojha
Posted: 2011/8/31
Retrenchment under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947:
When a company or government goes through retrenchment, it reduces
outgoing money or expenditures or redirects focus in an attempt to
become - ..By
Shraddha ojha
Posted: 2011/8/31
Hart’s View on Legal Enforcement of Morals:
this article gives an overview on the concept of Hart's view on legal
enforcement of morals and describe the primary rules of obligation and
secondary - ..By
Shraddha ojha
Posted: 2011/8/24
Implementation of the Costal Zone Management
Policy in State of Gujarat: this article in its first half
give a brief introduction about coastal resources of gujarat and deals
with the notification and legal regime - .By
Shraddha ojha
Posted: 2011/8/24
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Its long time
since that heart rending aftermath and havoc took place. Even heart
trembles recapturing those memories of the past as 40 tons of the deadly
methyl isocyanate....By
Aniket Pandey
Posted: 2011/8/24
Arbitration An Analysis: History of
Arbitration Law , How Christianity , The Bible were the Base for the Law
, what the Lord Jesus Christ said about it, Papal Arbitration , Indian
Prelegal era etc - .By
Dr. R. Stephen Louie
Posted: 2011/8/24
Gender Justice and Indian Labour: Women
constitute half the population of the society and it is presumed that
best creation belong to the women. But it is a harsh reality that women
have been ill-treated....By
irwin cheema
Posted: 2011/8/24
So you think 433 (e) of the Companies Act,1956 can
be taken for a ride: if you are one of those corporate
individuals who know that court can not be taken for a ride, please
don't read this article - .By
Isha Mehta
Posted: 2011/8/24
Future scope of fuel free bikes and automobiles in
India: Currently, in India, air pollution is
widespread in urban areas where vehicles are the major contributors and
in a few other areas with a high - ...By
Saarth Dhingra
Posted: 2011/8/24
Urgent Need of Privacy Laws In India:
It is indeed very important for any individual to safeguard his personal
life and issues which ought to be a secret in his life. The Indian
government should - By
Shivangi Raman
Posted: 2011/8/24
Doctrine Of Priority In Property Law:
The determination of the relative rights and priorities of successive
assignees of the same or overlapping rights has been a serious problem
for the Courts - By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade
Posted: 2011/8/24
Abuse of Administrative Discretion:
Discretion in layman’s language means choosing from amongst the various
available alternatives without reference to any predetermined criterion,
no matter how fanciful...By
Laksheyender Kumar
Posted: 2011/8/24
Fundamental Principles of Environmental Protection:
The concept of sustainable use of earth’s resource is an ancient one.
Without the principles of sustainability as a way of life, humans would
not have...By
Laksheyender Kumar
Posted: 2011/8/24
Keyword Trademark Infringement - A Country wise
Analysis: An insight into the current problem of
trademark infringement by the use of marks as keywords in search
engines - .By
Shashank Shekhar
Posted: 2011/8/23
Sea Piracy - The Legal lacunae that exist:
Sea Piracy, in its original and strict meaning, is ever unauthorized act
of violence committed by a private vessel against another vessel with
intent to plunder....By
Aditya Dutta
Posted: 2011/8/23
Assessment of Income From House Property:
Income from house property is one of the important heads of income under
the Income Tax Act. The tax payers have been, in particular, keen to
know about....By
Laksheyender Kumar
Posted: 2011/8/23
FDI Retail in India: India has kept its
retail sector closed from foreign investment for quite a few years, the
reason being that the retail trade in India generates employment....By
ijbjbKasturi Verma
Posted: 2011/8/23
Women's Education In India: Woman's
education in India has been one of the major issues of concern of the
Government of India as well as the society at large - .By
Amola Darekar
Posted: 2011/8/23
Wheels of Progress in Society - Law, Justice &
Common Man: This article deals with need and importance of
time element in litigation. This article refers to the problem faced by
the - .By
Vagisha Pragya Vacaknavi
Posted: 2011/8/23
Category-wise Analysis of Awarded Cases related to
compensation to the Bhopal Gas Victims: he present article
deals with various categories on basis of which compensation was
Ankur Shrivastava
Posted: 2011/8/23
Anti-Terrorism Laws: t is the
‘great right of self defence from which the moral justification to
all anti-terrorism laws is derived. The term terrorism comes from the
French word ....By
Rishabh Juneja
Posted: 2011/8/15
Rights: is without doubt the most important common resource
of the people. A major constituent of all living matter, it is
indispensable for survival....By
kazim ibrahim
Posted: 2011/8/15
& Acquisitions in Aviation Sector: his paper makes an attempt
to give a brief overview of the meaning of Mergers and Acquisitions, and
the regulations dealing with the same in India; it then tries to....By
Esha Tyagi
Posted: 2011/8/15
Industries Ltd's Buyout of Asarco LLC: Through this paper the
author would try to analyze the whole case of Sterlite Industries Ltd's
buyout of Asarco LLC and deal with the US Bankruptcy procedure for asset....By
Esha Tyagi
Posted: 2011/8/15
of Tort And Sports Litigation: The word tort has been
derived from the Latin term tortum, which means to twist.
It means and includes those conducts which are not straight or lawful,
but twisted, crooked....By
Vagisha P. Vacaknavi
Posted: 2011/8/15
Project Financing: he availability of infrastructure
facilities is a necessity for the overall development of our country.
Today, there is a need to focus on enhancing the quantity as well - By
Meghna Bhaskar
Posted: 2011/8/15
- Its Relevance in Corporate Restructuring: In today’s world
of growing economies and fast paced globalization , major companies
across the globe, both domestic and international - .By
Meghna Bhaskar
Posted: 2011/8/15
Unmanned drones - Whether justified under IHL:
Questions arise as to whether the use of unmanned drones in armed attack
is justified under principles of International Humanitarian Law - By
Smita Rajmohan
Posted: 2011/8/12
Basis of Family Rights: Family law in India is no way a
monolithic legal system. The term denotes mainly the law governing the
two major communities and all moves - By
Mohammad Saeed Husain
Posted: 2011/8/12
Social Responsibility: Corporate Social Responsibility is day
by day becoming an important activity to business whether national or
international. These corporations have progressively - By
Pooja Pareek
Posted: 2011/8/12
Calculation of Damages in EPC Contracts in India: The
engineering & construction industry, especially that in India, is
dynamic and highly volatile, making it susceptible to tremendous amounts
of litigation - By
Aniruddha Ghosh
Posted: 2011/8/12
Are the Indian Disability Laws just a sham:
he article examines the requirement for a new Indian Disability law. It
delves deeper into the need for a new disability law in India and
comparison - By Sankalp Kapoor - Posted: 2011/8/3
The word jurisprudence is derived from a latin word jurisprudentia which
in its widest sense, means knowledge of law - By
Anupom chakraborty
Posted: 2011/8/3
of Dominant Position: Dominant position as being created when
one or more undertakings in a particular market use their position in
that market to determine economic parameters such as price, supply - By
Posted: 2011/8/3
Employees Deposit-linked Insurance Fund Scheme: The EPF & MP
Act, 1952 provided for a provident fund and a family pension scheme for
employees from 1971 onwards. However it was felt that problems....By
Posted: 2011/8/3
Austin, Hart and Kelson on Sanction as an integral
part of law: The term "sanction" is derived from Roman law.
Sanction was originally that part of the statute which established a
penalty or made other provisions - By
Sujay Dixit
Posted: 2011/8/3
His Holiness Keshvananda Bharti vs State Of Kerala
with reference to Agrarian Reforms in India: is a
landmark decision of the Supreme Court of India. It is the basis for the
power of the Indian judiciary to review - By
Sujay Dixit
Posted: 2011/8/3
Principles & Procedure of conciliation under
Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996: it is the short study of
the principles and procedures of conciliation under Arbitration and
Conciliation act 1996 - By
Sujay Dixit
Posted: 2011/7/21
SEBI: Consent Orders & Compounding Of Offences:
SEBI refers to Securities Exchange Board of India which was first
established in the year 1988 as a non-statutory body for regulating....By
Shagun Singhal
Posted: 2011/7/21
A Misinterpretation & Un-Called Construction Of
Section 114 Of Evidence Act: Live-In-Relationship: This
Article discusses the judgments of the Honourable Supreme Court of India
whereby it has been mandated - By
Posted: 2011/7/19
Judgment on Admissions: An analysis on
Order XII Rule 6 of C.P.C, 1908 - ..By
Upasana Kawat
Posted: 2011/7/19
Maneka Gandhi’s Case and Personal Liberty:
Maneka Gandhi’s case is not only a landmark case for the interpretation
of Article 21 but it also gave an entirely new viewpoint to look at the
Chapter III - By
Surya Bhan Singh Billawria
Posted: 2011/7/18
Sexual Harassment at Workplace: Sexual
harassment is a common problem affecting all women in this world
irrespective of the profession that they are in, but legal system is
sleeping and so they - ..By
Anshul Agrawal
Posted: 2011/7/18
When does right to hearing transform into right to
fair hearing: Generally people get confused between right to
hearing and right to fair hearing. Through this article an attempt has
been made to clearly depict - By
Rajib Hassan
Posted: 2011/7/18
Do We Need Gender Biased Laws: DVAct:
India has always been portrayed as a fine mosaic of culture and
tradition. An integral part of this image has been the respectable
status of women. Vedic era - By
Posted: 2011/7/18
Cultural Crimes: Rise in the cultural
crimes has of lately been a matter of immense consideration at both
national and international level. One of the most barbaric of such
crimes is the honor killing - By
Sanjana Mittal
Posted: 2011/7/18
Forming of Company In India: The
Companies Act of 1956 sets down rules for the establishment of both
public and private companies. The most commonly used corporate form is
the limited ....By
Posted: 2011/7/18
LML Piaggio Case: The case study
focuses on the breakup of the joint venture agreement between LML Ltd.,
and the Italian automobile major, Piaggio. The case deals with the
various developments - By
Ankit Rajgarhia
Posted: 2011/7/18
Anti Dilution Protection: Anti Dilution
Protection to the existing investors during the second round of
financing at a lower rate than the first round of financing - By
Yamini Khurana
Posted: 2011/7/18
Pious obligation of Daughters the Modern
Perspective: Feminist movements have questioned
‘male-stream’ thinking in ways that have struck at discriminatory status
quo in politics, society as well as the - By
Anshumaan Bahadur
Posted: 2011/6/24
Liberalisation of the Law relating to Foreign
Institutional Investment and its Impact on Economic Development:
In recent years particularly in developing countries including India,
there has been increased - By
Rashmi perumal
Posted: 2011/6/24
Schedule X of our Indian Constitution-a myth or a
reality: this article deals with the anti-defection law
mentioned under schedule X of our Indian Constitution. this law was
added into our Constitution after - By
Akshay Goel
Posted: 2011/6/24
Attaining Competitiveness through Competition:
A competitive nature is as necessary to human well-being as is food,
sleep & exercise. It is the driving force that situations us to
generate - By
Aniket Pandey
Posted: 2011/6/24
Federalism in India: The constitutional
law consists both of legal in the strict sense and of usages , commonly
called as conventions, which without being enacted are accepted as
binding by all - By
Arnav Raj Chakravorty
Posted: 2011/6/24
Evolving Facets of National Security:
The interplay of the economic and technological concerns in the process
of globalization, and the proliferation of low cost wars, through terror
groups - .By
Bhavya Solanki
Posted: 2011/6/24
Over-crowding of Civil Jails: this
article describes the situation of civil jails in India which are over
crowded due to pending cases - By
Bhavya Solanki
Posted: 2011/6/24
Section 25 of The Trade Marks Act, 1999:
The present paper deals with the nature of the sending of notice by the
Registrar under section 25 of the TM Act, 1999 enacted by the Parliament
of India - ..By
Paramjeet Singh Berwal
Posted: 2011/6/24
Health Care During Armed Conflict: The
meaning of armed conflict is to open and declared conflict between the
armed forces of two or more states or nations. There are mainly two
types of armed conflict - By
Reema Roy
Posted: 2011/6/24
Laws Relating to Mines & Minerals in India:
The essence of federalism lies in the sharing of legal sovereignty by
the Union and the federating units. And, in general, the most precise
way of demarcating - By
Sachin Saurabh
Posted: 2011/6/24
Clinical Trial Regulation In India:
Drug development is a process that calls for utmost care. An error can
cause fatal result. Clinical trials are developed in such a way that it
not only helps the discovery - By
deepak balakrishnan nair
Posted: 2011/6/24
Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage:
The Law Commission of India as well as judiciary demands the inclusion
of irretrievable break down as marriage as a special ground for
divorce - By
Shishir Shrivastava
Posted: 2011/6/24
Section 91(1) CrPc: An analysis of Constitutional
Validity: The entire procedure specified in the Code of
criminal procedure, 1973 is based on principle of justice and
fairness - By
Shishir Shrivastava
Posted: 2011/6/24
Laws related to waiver of forfeiture & waiver of
notice to quit: Sec 111 of the Transfer of Property
Act, 1882(herein after referred as Act) talks about determination of
lease. For example, by efflux - By
Saifur rahman faridi
Posted: 2011/5/27
Arbitration & Public International Law:
In the long march of mankind from cave to the computer a central role
has always been played by the id ea of law - .By
Nupur Kumar
Posted: 2011/5/16
Ethics- Professional Vs Personal, Law Ethics,
Intellectual Property: This article is written on legal
ethics and the ethical code of conduct of the lawyers. It also talks
about the Intellectual property - .By
Vividh Sharad Tandon
Posted: 2011/5/16
Plea-Bargaining: Present Status in
India: This is a bit new concept under Indian Law which was introduced
after the amendment Act of 2005 in Code of Criminal Procedure. it is
showing the present - .By
Hitesh Agrawal
Posted: 2011/5/13
Regionalism & Regional Trade Regulation:
Regionalism is playing and important role the development of a region.
Though it is criticized that it is hindering the development of the
multilateral trading - .By
kaushik dhar
Posted: 2011/5/12
Should Women Be Given Coparcenary Rights:
Since time immemorial the framing of all property laws have been
exclusively for the benefit of man, and woman has been treated as
subservient - .By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade
Posted: 2011/5/11
Development Of Laws Relating To Marine Insurance
In India: Marine Insurance is not of recent origin. Its
existence can be traced back to several centuries. Questions concerning
it have naturally been - .By
Ruturaj Shinde
Posted: 2011/5/10
Goods & Services Tax - Feasibilty in India:
Goods and Services Tax is a tax on goods and services, which will be
levied at each point of sale or provision of service - .By
Navreet kaur
Posted: 2011/5/5
Micro Finance & The Indian Economy:
Micro Finance is an emerging concept which plays a vital role in the
development of the low-income groups. It acts as building block of our
economy. - .By
Shipra Bhosle
Posted: 2011/5/5
Private Nuisance in Tort Law: The
imprecise boundaries of what exactly constitutes private nuisance makes
the task of providing an exhaustive definition of the tort almost
impossible - ..By
Vineet Bhalla
Posted: 2011/5/5
Liability for Psychiatric Injury: The
issue of recovery of damages for negligently inflicted psychiatric harm
is widely regarded as not only highly ridiculous and illogical, - .By
Vineet Bhalla
Posted: 2011/5/5
Anti-Terrorism Laws: Terrorism
has immensely affected India. The reasons for terrorism in India may
vary vastly from religious to geographical to caste to history - ..By
Aditi Singh
Posted: 2011/5/5
Case Comment on Priyadarshini Matoo case:
This shocking statement of the Additional Sessions Judge, G.P. Thareja
in Ms. Priyadarshini Mattoo case, while acquitting the accused reflects
the - ..By
Richa Srivastava
Posted: 2011/5/5
Administrative law: According to the
definition of Sir Ivon Jennings Administrative Law can be defined as a
law relating to administration. It determines the organization, powers
and duties of administrative - .By
Chitwan Sethi
Posted: 2011/5/5
Taxing Foreign Income of Company:
Taxation of foreign income entails the taxation by one country of income
that its residents earn in another country. Tax incidence of an
individual solely depends - ..By
Karandeep Kaur
Posted: 2011/5/5
Human Rights dimension of a healthy environment:
Man and nature have, since the inception of mankind, shared a symbiotic
relationship. Each individual is entitled to a healthy
environment - ...By
Vera Shrivastav
Posted: 2011/5/5
Gender Justice: A Comparative Study of U.K.,
U.S.A., E.U. & India: Over the centuries, as traditional
patriarchal customs and laws became more deeply entrenched, women’s
lives - ..By
Vera Shrivastav
Posted: 2011/5/5
Politicians, Police & Criminal nexus:
Rule of law is the cornerstone of a democratic country. It is the cement
of the Indian society to make it function in an ideal manner - ...By
Srideep Mishra
Posted: 2011/5/5
Is Capitalism dead: its about the
theories of capitalism and whether the current need of today's time is
capitalism or any other economic system - By
Sujay Dixit
Posted: 2011/5/5
Honour Killing A Bane Or A Boon: Honour
Killing refers to the killing of family members, mainly females, in
order to keep up the family pride, which they are said to harm by doing
any shameful act - .By
Posted: 2011/5/5
Juvenile delinquency: Juvenile
delinquency refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child
(below 16 years of age for boys and 18 years for girls) which violates
the law - By
Posted: 2011/5/5
Judicial Accountability of Grameen Banks:
he hypothesis of this research article is that the Grameen Bank of
Bangladesh has successfully used both formal and informal participatory
methods - ..By
Shishir Akhouri
Posted: 2011/5/5
Restorative Justice & Weaker Sections:
Restorative Justice is a problem-solving approach to crime which
involves the parties themselves, and the community generally, in an
active - ..By
Shubhneet Inderjit & Kaur Karandeep Kaur
Posted: 2011/5/5
Writs in Indian society & its execution:
In India Article 32 and 226 of the Constitution gives power to the
Supreme Court and High Court to issue writs in case of breach of
Fundamental rights of any citizen - ..By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade
Posted: 2011/5/5
How to Control Increasing Corruption:
Corruption means lack of integrity. Some advantages, inconsistent with
official duty & the rights of others. It is not only about bribery, it
also relates to the abuse - ..By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade
Posted: 2011/5/5
Trade Secrets as an Intellectual Property Right
Under Indian Law: Virtually any useful information can
qualify as a trade secret. It need not rise to the dignity of an
invention; a discovery is enough, even - ..By
Praveen kumar
Posted: 2011/5/5
Dimensions of Law as a Systematic Device:
This paper is a jurisprudential analysis of the different dimensions of
Law. The objective is to determine the nature of Law; its structural
Suman Dash Bhattamishra
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Organ Transplantation: We believe that
the God is creator of the world and also human beings are the creation
of God. Life and death thus resume being - By
Ms. Jayshri P. Khandare
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Jurisdiction of civil court: The
Jurisdiction of Civil Court may be regulated by the competent
legislature, but there are certain exceptions to this principle - ...By
Sh. Usman Karim-ud-Din
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Regulation of Contract Labour: Contract
Labour is one of the acute form of unorganized labour. Under the system
of contract labour workers may be employed through contractor on the
contract basis - .By
Prachi Shah
Posted: 2011/4 /19
RTI a Tool for Good Governnce: The
Article throws light on RTI being a Fundamental and Human Right. Every
citizen should use the RTI Act. It provides an illustration how people
have successfully - By
Ranjana Ferrao
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Corporate Lobbying: Do We Need a Law to Regulate
Whistle Blowing: Lobbying is the intention of influencing
decisions made by legislators and officials in the government by
individuals, other - By
Priyadarshini Singh
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Corporate Social Responsibility: In
recent years Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained growing
recognition as a new and emerging form of governance in business. - By
Sonal chhablani
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Constitutionality of the right to die:
An article on the great debate whether euthanasia or mercy killing
should be legalized or not. It is written more from the Indian
perspective - .By
Sudakshina Kundu
Posted: 2011/4 /19
A Cry Still Unheard: The Menace Of Female
Foeticide In India: Female foeticide is a heinous act and an
indicator of violence against women. Still after many years of the
making and imposing of - By
Shubhneet Inderjit Kaur
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Copyright Amendment Bill 2010:
Copyright is a form of intellectual property whose importance has
increased enormously in the recent times due to rapid technological
development - By
Madhvi Datta
Posted: 2011/4 /19
Comparative Advertisement & Infringement of
Trademark: Its all about the comparative advertisement done
by the media and what is its effect on the consumers and up to which
extent comparative - By
Sujay Dixit
Posted: 2011/4 /15
Competition & Corporate Governance:
Competitive business environment and appropriate good corporate
governance have a nexus, the former fuelling, influencing and impacting
the latter - By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade
Posted: 2011/4 /15
Forensic Science: Forensic
science is defined as the application of science in answering questions
that are of legal interest. More specifically, forensic scientists
employ techniques - By
Sri Krishna Kumar
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Law Justice and Common Man: The
Research paper aims at analyzing the vitality and consequences of “Rule
of Law and Justice in life of a common man or "aam admi" through the
decades strictly - By
Krishna Pal
Posted: 2011/4 /14
How lucrative is international sales of goods act
1980: this article discusses the international sales
of goods act 1980(CISG) concentrating on the why it is not that
lucrative a choice - By
Shachi Pandey
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Adultery- the need for change in IPC:
This articles raises various issues with refernce to Section 497 of IPC
i.e adultery. It also suggests changes for the same - ..By
Payal agarwal
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Extent to which immoral trafficking is addressed:
The most comprehensive definition of trafficking is the one adopted by
the UN Office of Drugs and Crime in 2000, known as the UN Protocol to
Prevent - By
Akhila gangadhar
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Copyright Wars: The copyright amendment
bill 2010 aims to bridge the gap between our copyright laws and the
international treaties - ..By
Sumbul Farooquee
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Analysis Of Writ Of Mandamus: In India
Article 32 and 226 of the Constitution gives power to the Supreme Court
and High Court to issue writs in case of breach of Fundamental rights of
any citizen by - By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade-
Posted: 2011/4 /14
Position of Fundamental Rights during Emergency:
since ADM jabalpur till today, the situation with reference to the
position of FR's during emergency has seen a complete change, this
article will - By
Harshit Khare
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Legislation & Common Law : Indian Legal
System: First question which arise by listening legal system in mind is,
what is law? In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by
an authority....By
Abhijeet Kumar
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Interpretation of Section 8 (1) (b) of The Right
to Information Act, 2005: information which has been
expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal or
the disclosure of which may constitute - By
Abhijeet Kumar
Posted: 2011/4 /13
A critique on the Right to Education Act:
What happens when a country of the size of India has over 3 million
children living on the streets? Or has over 150 million children working
as bonded labourers? - By
Sugyata Prakash Choudhary
Posted: 2011/4 /13
ONGC v Saw Pipes: The dispute arose out
of the failure of the Respondent in supplying the said equipment as per
schedule, due to labour problems - ..By
Udita Kanwar
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Significance of Lok Adalats in present scenario:
The topic of the assignment paper is "Significance of Lok Adalats in
present scenario" and it deals with the very question of the
applicability of Lok Adalats - .By
Kirti Dashora
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Culpable Homicide: In general the term
‘Culpable Homicide’ means unlawful killing which is not classified as
murder due to the guilty intention or ‘mens rea’ being absent - .By
Udita Kanwar
Posted: 2011/4 /13
The 377 Debate: In the wake of the Naz
Foundation Judgment this article looks at the struggle which lead to the
decriminalization of homosexuality in a decision by the Delhi High
Court - By
Prarthana Vaidya
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Vicarious Liability of State in Sovereign
Functions: The article traces and analyses the concept of
vicarious liability of the state in performance of its sovereign
functions, through case law - both - By
Prarthana Vaidya
Posted: 2011/4 /13
Challenges Faced by Power Purchase Agreement:
The power purchase agreements vary a lot in different states and for
different kinds of energy, some of the agreements are meticulously
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Directors & Their Liabilities: A
corporation is an artificial being existing only in contemplation of
law. It has neither a mind nor a body of its own which it requires to
carry out its operations and so here Directors - By
Surabhi Bairathi-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Land Reforms & Duty Of State: Changes
brought about in the agrarian structure through direct intervention are
characterized as land reforms. It incorporates the changing of laws,
regulations - By
Surabhi Bairathi-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Indian judicial process & its accountability:
The first question which often comes in one mind after analyzing the
topic is what do you exactly mean by critical analysis of judicial
process? - By
Pallavi Prithviraj Ghorpade-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Periodic Tenancy: This article is about
defining the concept of Periodic Tenancy and and differentiating it with
the other types of lease that have been mentioned under the Transfer of
Property Act - By
Surya Prakash-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Constitutional Right to Speedy Trial:
Constitutional Right to Speedy Trial, Factors For Pendency Of The Cases,
Delay Leads To Mental Anguish, Article 21 Of The Constitution,
Reformative Measures - By
Prateek Handa
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Role of Character in Evidence Law:
Character means the collective qualities or characteristics especially
mental and moral that distinguishes a person or thing. Character is the
estimation of a person by - By
Saarth Dhingra-
Posted: 2011/4 /12
Importance of meetings: Meeting means a
gathering or assembly of persons convened for the conducting of
business. The meeting is an assembly of persons whose consent is
required for anything to decide - By
Saarth Dhingra-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Directors in the Dock: An Analysis In the Light of
Maksud Saiyed Case: Indemnity in insurance compensates the
beneficiaries of the policies for their actual economic losses, up - By
praveen kumar-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
The Eve Teasing Malaise: under Section
298 A and Section 298 B of the Indian Penal Code, a man who is found
guilty of making a female the target of obscene gestures, remarks, songs
or recitation - By
Aounkar Anand-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Easy Exist Scheme 2011: With a
view to provide simplified liquidation opportunity to the non-operating
and defunct companies for getting their names struck off from the
records of the Ministry of - .By
Rajat Dosi-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Consequences of Over-population in India:
Overpopulation is one of the hazards & serious problem, which creates a
great obstacle in the way of national development. It has direct effect
upon - By
Nazneen Abdulsamad Fakir-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Prior Restraint On Media: The taking of
legal action before an anticipated wrongdoing. Remedies to prevent a
threatened illegality from taking place include the use of injunction or
prohibition and declaration - .By
Akshay Goel-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Salient features of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 has reformed Hindu law of Marriage. It is a
landmark in the history of social legislation. It has not simply
codified the Hindu law - .By
Laksheyender Kumar
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Charter Act of 1813: The Charter Act, 1833 was the result of certain changed circumstances both in England and India. Policies of Warren Hastings and Wellesley created expansion - By Nazneen Abdulsamad Fakir- Posted: 2011/4 /5
Indian Judiciary on environment vs. Development conflict: In recent times the conflict between environment and development has become quite intense and the judiciary in India has been - .By Vijay Chandrakant Oak- Posted: 2011/4 /5
Role of Intention in Fixation of Tortuous Liability: It is very important to understand the meaning of tortuous liability or rather the nature of tort law in order to understand its purpose - ..By Sudeep Ranjan- Posted: 2011/4 /5
Anti-Dumping Regime in Indian Scenario:
This article deals with Anti-Dumping Regime in Indian Scenario and in
particular with the detailed working mechanism of regime and procedural
aspects of law in this regard - .By
Shikhar Sinha-
Posted: 2011/4 /5
Most Favoured Customer & Benchmarking Clause in
Anti Trust perspective: This article throws some light on the
Most Favoured Customer and the Benchmarking Clause in the Service
Agreements - .By
Sharad Mali
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Best Bakery Case & Law of Evidence:
Hearsay evidence in the Law of Evidence has been introduced in sec.60
which gives the direction that oral evidence should be direct. Any
evidence coming - ..By
yashvardhan sharma
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Condonation of Delay and Law of limitation:
The Code of Civil Procedure confers a right to appeal, but does not
prescribe a period of limitation for filing an appeal - ..By
yashvardhan sharma
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Law & Morality Debate in the Context Of Suicide &
Homosexuality: In ancient times there was no discipline
between law and morals. The Hindu jurists in ancient India did not
make - ..By
Anshumaan Bahadur
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Crime Against Women & its Impact on Them:
Over 32000 murders, 19,000 rapes, 7500 dowry deaths and 36500
molestation cases are the violent crimes reported in India in 2006
against women - ..By
Sri Krishna Kumar
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Judicial Accountability in India:
Corruption in the judiciary is hardly a new phenomenon, though it has
certainly increased over the years. It is worthwhile however to examine
the reasons for the sudden - .By
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Layer: The Mandal Commission View: This is an informative
article discussing the Mandal Commission, which was set up for
identifying the SEBCs in India came out with the recommendation - By
Arkoday Roy
Posted: 2011/3 /17
Advertising - Its Evolution, Significance & Effects: Advertising is the commercial promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor, and performed - .By Avinash Gadhre - Posted: 2011/3 /4
Bangalore Water Supply Case: The attention of the Supreme Court has recently been drawn to the definition of the term industry as stated in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - .By Avinash Gadhre - Posted: 2011/3 /4
Presumption as documents 30 years old: The Indian Evidence Act does not make an attempt to define what a presumption is. Stephen defines it as a rule of law that courts and Judges - ....By himani kini - Posted: 2011/3 /4
Award of Cost: The scope of the research is to analyze the Section 35,35A and 35B Order 20 and to see at what different stages the cost can be awarded. Thus the scope of this research - .By himani kini - Posted: 2011/3 /4
Extent of Indemnity in Insurance Claims: Indemnity in insurance compensates the beneficiaries of the policies for their actual economic losses, up to the limiting amount of the insurance policy - .By Praveen kumar- Posted: 2011/3 /4
H.L.A Hart’s Theory of Law: Jurisprudence is a name given to a certain type of investigation into law, an investigation of an abstract, general and theoretical nature which seeks to lay bare - ..By prachi shah- Posted: 2011/3 /4
Micro Health Insurance - Its Compliance Under IRDA Guidelines: The purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which Micro health insurance products, i.e. health products that comply with - By Avinash Gadhre - Posted: 2011/2/22
Wilt Chamberlain Argument of Nozick: Nozick was a Harvard philosopher. He was conservative, some would say libertarian, in his insistence on the bare minimum amount of government needed - By Avinash Gadhre - Posted: 2011/2/22
Forensic Sciences And Criminology: There is urgent and widespread need for the application of forensic science in criminal investigation - By Wafi Aziz Safwi- Posted: 2011/2/22
Why Must Human Rights Be Protected By The Rule Of Law: Human Rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, residence, language, origin, sex, color and any other status - By Pallavi ghorpade - Posted: 2011/2/16
Judicial approach towards departmental bias: departmental bias is something which is inherent in the administrative process, and if it is not effectively checked, it may negate the very concept of fairness - By Saarth Dhingra - Posted: 2011/2/16
The Liability of Psychiatric Damages in Indian and Foreign Jurisdictions: Psychiatric Injury- which is also known as Nervous Shock is a pretty new area, has gained much importance. It is used - ...By Arman Das - Posted: 2011/2/16
Role of Customs in Islamic Law: Custom is that which is established in a woman’s mind by virtue of logic and the sound mind accepts it - ...By Arman Das - Posted: 2011/2/12
Legal Rights: The term ‘right’ has been used in different ways. In its strict sense it has been used as correlative of legal duties. In legal terms a right is an interest recognized and protected by the State - ..By Laksheyender Kumar - Posted: 2011/2/12
Natural Law: It is basically a priori method different from empirical method, the forms, accepts things or conclusions in relation to a subject as they are without any need or enquiry or observation - ..By Laksheyender Kumar - Posted: 2011/2/12
Juvenile Delinquency: Juvenile Delinquency continues to confound the society world over. Therefore the study of the causes of juvenile delinquency and their remedies - ...By Shweta Joshi - Posted: 2011/2/10
Prospective Vs. Retrospective: In general every statute is prospective unless it is expressed in the statute that it has retrospective operation. This article lays emphasis on retrospective - By Laasya Priya Ponnada - Posted: 2011/2/10
The blind mother: Related to women issues & legal rights - Tempted away from grey complexity to the drama of stark contrast one could title our land as the historical volumes of sexual discrimination - By abhigyan - Posted: 2011/2/10
Adverse Possession & its applicability in Lease & License: Adverse Possession as a title arises out of a hostile possession against the rights of the true owner. Hence, it is of great significance - By Radhika Jagta - Posted: 2011/2/10
Childish Behaviour & Tort Law: But the law of torts does not purport to provide an exhaustive catalogue of the entitlements or obligations of children - By Neelabh Shreesh - Posted: 2011/2/10
Punishments: Origin & Jurisprudence: We
live in a society. Our action may be prolific to us or may avail benefit
to us but at the same time those very actions may be detrimental to the
other. So, in order - By
Anshumaan Bahadur
Posted: 2011/2/4
Domestic & International Arbitration:
Domestic Arbitration takes place in India when the arbitration
proceedings, the subject matter of the contract and the merits of the
dispute are all governed - By
Agnes K Varkeychan
Posted: 2011/2/4
Protection against eviction and fixation of fair
rent: All transactions in Indian real estate sector are
governed by various laws enacted by the Central Government of India and
respective State governments - .By
Shraddha Ojha
Posted: 2011/2/4
facts admitted by the party need not be proved: This section conveys the principle that what is admitted need not be proved. The court has to try the questions on which the parties are at issue - By Shraddha Ojha - Posted: 2011/2/4
Jurisdiction Of Civil Court Under Civil Procedure Code: jurisdiction (from the Latin ius, iuris meaning "law" and dicere meaning "to speak") is the practical authority granted to a formally constituted - By Shraddha Ojha - Posted: 2011/2/4
Revisional Power vis - a - vis Writ Proceedings: The revisional jurisdiction of a court is a part and parcel of its appellate jurisdiction. Revisional jurisdiction is one of the modes of exercising powers - By Shriya Jain - Posted: 2011/1/17
Mergers & Acquisitions & the IPR Issues Involved: This paper deals with how the merger and acquisition of companies take place. What is the need of merging or acquiring other company and what benefits would....By Shriya Jain - Posted: 2011/1/17
Definition & concept of property: Property has a very wider meaning in its real sense. It not only includes money and other tangible things of value, but also includes any intangible right considered - By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
The Judicial Pronouncement of the Preamble of Indian Constitution: it is a critical analysis of the judicial pronouncement of the preamble of the constitution of India with the help of some landmark cases - ...By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
Judiciary system in India: The Supreme Court of India is the highest court of the land as established by Part V, Chapter IV of the Constitution of India. According to the Constitution of India... ....By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
Admissibility of the statements made under section 10 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872: Where there is reasonable ground to believe that two or more person have conspired together to commit an offence - .By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
No abetment by parties death if right to sue survive: it is all about No abetment by parties death if right to sue survive. it is about abatement of the suit by the parties if any of them dies during the pandency - .By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
Doctrine of Permissible Limits Under Delegated Legislation: According to the traditional theory, the function of the executive is to administer the law enacted by the legislature, and in the ideal - By Bhagwati Dan Charan - Posted: 2011/1/17
Whether Right To Life Include Right To Die: In India "The right to life" under Article 21 of the Constitution has received the widest possible interpretation under the able hands of the judiciary and rightly ....By Manali Singhal - Posted: 2011/1/17
Right to information as a procedural justice: Access to information held by a public authority was not possible until 2005. Lack of information precluded a person to realize his socio economic aspirations - .animesh - Posted: 2011/1/17
Corporate Criminal Liability - Doctrine of Identification: The concept of Doctrine of Identification finds its roots in the English Law. The growth of this doctrine has helped in the implication and prosecution - ...By Neha Mirajgaoker - Posted: 2011/1/17
Prevention of oppression & mismanagement: it is related to the oppression and mismanagement and how they are checked by the shareholders and various agencies in the company law - By Sujay Dixit- Posted: 2011/1/13
Easement restrictive of certain rights: it is related to the concept of easement regarding certain restrictive rights with the owner of the property - .By Sujay Dixit- Posted: 2011/1/13
Consent of a Mental Retardee for Abortion necessary: A critique and observations on the Supreme Court decision in Suchitha Srivastava and anr v. Chandigarh Administration - By Ravi Raghunath- Posted: 2011/1/13
Separation of Power in India & USA: The separation of powers is a model for the governance of both democratic and federative states. The model was first developed in ancient Greece - By Prachi shah- Posted: 2011/1/13
Award of cost under cpc: It is about what is cost and why they are ordered under cpc and deals with sec 35,35-a,35-b,order 20-a under Indian cpc - .By Sujay Dixit- Posted: 2011/1/13
Reservation & principle of equality: this is about the Indian concept of reservation and how it is related to the concept of equality in constitution of India - .By Sujay Dixit- Posted: 2011/1/13
Expert Opinion: Article is About sec 45 of Indian evidence act and what is the need for expert evidence in certain specific fields like narco analysis and polygraph test - .By Sujay Dixit- Posted: 2011/1/13
Sting Operation: Sting is a tool in the hands of every citizen to expose the unauthorized acts prevalent in the society. However there need to be some limitation with due respect to the right - By shishir shrivastava - Posted: 2011/1/13
Government of India Act of 1915: Between the advent of the Government of India Acts of 1909 and 1919, in 1915 the British Parliament passed the Government of India Act of 1915, an Act meant for - By Adoksh Shastry- Posted: 2011/1/13
Protection Against Sexual Harassment Of Women In India: This Article is about the Protection given to the women’s in India in case of various Sexual Harassment but with a human right Perspective - By Pradnya Pahurkar- Posted: 2011/1/13
Sec. 498A I.P.C.- Its Use and Misuse: this article talks about the use and misuse of sec.-498 A of I.P.C.,it also talks about the measures and also it talks about the role of judiciary in it - By Akshay Goel- Posted: 2011/1/13
Rape Laws In India-Appropriate or not:
Rape is a stigma which exists in the society from a long time. The
dictionary meaning of word rape is the ravishing or violation of a
woman. The rape victim - ..By
Akshay Goel-
Posted: 2011/1/13
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